1. c4 g6 2. Nb1c3 Bf8g7 3. Ng1f3 Ng8f6 4. d3
This is a little passive, but certainly playable.
4... c5 5. Bc1g5 O-O 6. g3 Nb8c6 7. Bf1h3
In a fianchettoed king side castle the bishop is a primary defense, don't be so eager to trade it.
7... d6 8. Bh3xc8 Qd8xc8 9. O-O Nf6h5 10. Nc3d5 f6 11. Bg5f4 Nh5xf4 12. Nd5xf4 Nc6e5 13. e4 g5 14. Nf4d5
very nice post for you knight.
14... Rf8f7 15. Nf3xe5 fxe5 16. f4 exf4 17. gxf4
not good you are denuding your king of all his protection.
17... Bg7xb2
White's king is exposed and now he is a piece down.
18. Ra1b1 Bb2d4 19. Kg1h1 e6 20. fxg5 exd5 21. Rf1xf7 Kg8xf7
my king is very exposed but now you are a piece down.
22. Qd1f1
Qh5+ was much stronger, leaving f1 for you rook to come and assist.
22... Kf7e7
now white is a piece down and Black has a won position if he can just get his king to safety.
23. cxd5 Qc8g4 24. Qf1f5
you are material down, trading is a mistake.
24... Qg4xf5 25. exf5 Ra8g8 26. Rb1xb7 Ke7f8 27. h4 Rg8g7 28. Rb7xg7 Kf8xg7
admittedly the three pawns are hard to stop, but I have a bishop I can sac for two of them if need be.
29. h5 h6 30. f6 Bd4xf6 31. gxf6 Kg7xf6
and you cannot get to h4 in time to protect you should have brought you King up before advancing further.
32. Kh1g2
Sacking the bishop for the pawn was not necessary, now the endgame is almost even although black is still better.
32... Kf6g5 33. Kg2g3 Kg5xh5 34. a3 Kh5g5 35. a4 a5 36. Kg3f3 h5 37. Kf3g3 h4 38. Kg3h3 Kg5h5 39. Kh3g2 Kh5g4 40. Kg2h2 h3 41. Kh2g1 Kg4g3 42. Kg1h1 Kg3f3
I can't play h2 or after d4 cxd, it's stalemate.
43. Kh1h2 Kf3e3 44. Kh2xh3 Ke3xd3 45. Kh3g2 Kd3d2
I don't need to take d5, my c pawn is a queen, the game is over.
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Game Details
- Game started
- 14 Apr 12
- Last move
- 24 May 12
- Lost
Annotation Details
- Annotation Id
- 2562
- Created
- 03 Jun 12
- Updated
- 24 Jun 12