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Annotated Chess Game 8096328

Annotated Chess Game 8096328

Annotation by GraemeK

Experiment with RHP annotations.

1. e4 e5 2. Ng1f3 d6 3. Bf1b5

According to the internet, d6 Brings Phillidor's defence. I fancied seeing what my opponent would do if I put him in check... Would he push a pawn, move his knight or bishop?

3... Bc8d7 4. Bb5xd7 Nb8xd7

A bishop was moved to bring the king out of check. I didn't want to retreat my bishop and make a second move with a piece so decided to swap bishops. Another option might have been Nc3.

5. d3

Simply allowing my bishop to be developed.

5... h6

A too pre-emptive move?

6. Nb1c3 Ng8f6 7. O-O Bf8e7 8. d4

? Perhaps I should have developed my bishop first before pushing this pawn a second time. I was interested in creating some excitement in the game. What better way than to probe the centre?

8... exd4 9. Nf3xd4

I thought that this exchange allows my knight to be more active and I have some centre space on the board. This is easily mitigated by pushing c5. I believed that black had some issues with his development, as his bishop is walled in and I like the space I have at this point in the game. If only I could blockade his pawn on d6 somehow.

9... O-O 10. Rf1e1

Creating an extra defender for e5. Might allow for a future push and allow my c3 knight to move. I really need to develop that bishop!

10... c5 11. Nd4f5 a6

Stopping Nb5. I was more considering Nd5 at some point.

12. Nc3d5 Nf6xd5 13. Qd1xd5

Moving Nd5 hemmed in bishop some more. It was a good outpost for my knight. I wasn't too worried about the exchange as it gave me the option to move my queen aggressively. Retrospectively I should have found a way to keep my knight permanently on d5 as it was a perfect outpost. I really should bring my bishop into play here.

13... b6 14. Bc1f4

Not sure where the best square for the bishop was so bring it to f4. Perhaps black could be induced to break up his pawn structure some more.

14... Nd7f6 15. Nf5xe7

?! Perhaps swapping a good knight for a bad bishop. I wanted to buy some space and simplify the position for myself a bit.

15... Qd8xe7 16. Qd5xd6 Qe7xd6 17. Bf4xd6

Won a pawn and cleared some space for my bishop to zip around the board. I am never sure whether I should really try to swap the ladies off, but I felt it gave me an advantage so I did.

17... Rf8e8 18. e5 Nf6d5 19. c4 Nd5f4 20. Ra1d1

Seemed like a logical place for the rook, but perhaps I should have kept it queenside to help the pawns up the board?

20... Nf4e6 21. b4 cxb4 22. Bd6xb4 a5 23. Bb4c3 Ra8c8 24. Re1e4

I was starting to think I had tied myself up a bit with some bad pawn moves. Now I was being forced to defend my pawns, and being put on the defensive.

24... Ne6c5 25. Re4g4 Nc5a4 26. Bc3a1

Tucking the bishop away for long range attack - I was actually quite proud of this bishop and his diagonal. Silly really. Small pleasures.

26... Na4c5 27. Rd1d6

Trying to get on the offensive a bit.

27... Nc5a4 28. Rd6xh6

I was just trying to gobble a pawn here - I realized that I would likely exchange the rook, but I knew if I could eat some material I would stand a better chance of a win.

28... Re8e6 29. Rh6xe6 fxe6

Part of the gobbling idea was to destroy the pawn bunker behind which the king was protected. It worked!

30. Kg1f1 Na4c5 31. Kf1e2 Nc5d7 32. Ke2d3 Rc8d8 33. Kd3c2

Not sure where my king is running too here - but I am usually guilty of not moving my king early enough. I decided to bring him into the game, perhaps a little too soon?

33... Nd7c5 34. Rg4d4 Rd8f8 35. f3 Rf8f5 36. Rd4d6

Trying to get on the offensive again!

36... Rf5xe5

?? Ouch! Long range bishop did exactly what I hoped he would do - just sit tight and hope that my opponent wouldn't notice him. :-)

37. Ba1xe5 Kg8f7 38. Rd6xb6 Nc5d7 39. Rb6b7 Kf7e8 40. Be5xg7

Just trying to gobble material.

40... e5 41. h4

Start running a pawn up the board.

41... Nd7c5 42. h5

?? What was I doing? That was a brain fart if ever I saw one! I didn't check for possible attacks - I just moved the pawn... that's a swift reminder!

42... Nc5e6

I think I just got a get out of jail for free card. I couldn't believe I didn't lose my rook. I can't see any reason why my opponent shouldn't have taken it...

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Game Details

Game started
14 Jan 11
Last move
02 Feb 11

Annotation Details

Annotation Id
01 Feb 11
02 Feb 11

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