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Annotated Chess Game 14090367

Annotated Chess Game 14090367

Annotation by Chris Guffogg

let's get going🚬

1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. exd5 exd5

I'm better at the Advance.

4. c4 c6 5. Nb1c3 Ng8f6 6. Ng1f3 Bc8g4 7. Bf1d3 Nb8d7 8. O-O Bf8e7 9. Rf1e1 O-O 10. Bc1g5 h6 11. Bg5h4 dxc4

IQPπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ like it our use it.

12. Bd3xc4 Be7d6 13. Nc3e4 Qd8c7 14. Ne4xd6 Qc7xd6 15. h3 Bg4xf3


16. Qd1xf3 Qd6xd4 17. Bh4xf6 Nd7xf6 18. Bc4b3 Ra8d8 19. Re1e2 Qd4d7 20. Ra1e1

Ah Ja, the force.

20... Qd7c7 21. Re2e7 Qc7b6 22. Qf3e3 Qb6xe3

Alekhine's Gun - F's all that about, Russian roulette?

23. Re1xe3 Rd8d7 24. Re7xd7 Nf6xd7 25. Re3e7 Nd7c5 26. Bb3c2 a5 27. a3 Rf8d8 28. g4 b6 29. Re7c7 g6 30. Rc7xc6


30... Rd8b8 31. f4 Kg8g7 32. b4 axb4 33. axb4 Nc5e6 34. Rc6c4 Rb8d8 35. f5 Ne6g5


36. fxg6 fxg6 37. Kg1g2 Rd8d2 38. Kg2g3 Ng5e6 39. Bc2e4 Rd2d4

That for my ability was hard going. Turning south, kin ell. Do something! Phew. 🀝

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Annotated by
Chris Guffogg
Alekhine's Gun
Flag ISO 1826

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Game Details

Game started
05 Dec 20
Last move
22 Dec 20

Annotation Details

Annotation Id
22 Dec 20
23 Dec 20

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