1. e4 e5 2. Bf1c4 Ng8f6 3. d3 c6 4. a3
?! Better is the developing move 4 Nf3, attacking Black's central pawn P/e5 - as the opening theory suggests.
4... d5 5. exd5 cxd5 6. Bc4b5
?! Better was 6 Ba2, keeping the pressure on the pawn P/d5. Note that the move 6 Bb5?! also makes it questionable what was the purpose of the move 4 a3.
6... Nb8c6 7. Nb1c3 d4 8. Bb5xc6
Not 8 Ne4?? Qa5+ and Black wins a piece.
8... bxc6 9. Nc3e4
?! Better was 9 Nce2.
9... Nf6xe4 10. dxe4 Bc8a6
! Now, White has temporary problems with castling.
11. Ng1f3
After 11 Ne2 White can castle, but the Knight N/e2 remains pinned and attackable.
11... Bf8d6
Black has a very good position.
12. Bc1d2
?! Better was 12 c3 Qb6 13 Qc2 0-0 14 c4.
12... O-O 13. c3 Rf8e8 14. Qd1c2 Qd8b6
?! 14...c5 was stronger.
15. c4 Ra8b8 16. b4
White has managed to defend one's queenside pawns and block the diagonal a6-f1. Now, White is ready to castle or play the fork c4-c5. However, Black has a strong centre, a bishop pair and a lead in development.
16... c5 17. b5 Ba6b7
Now, for a time, the queenside is fixed. However, Black has switched to the attack of the central pawn P/e4. Black's aim is to eliminate that pawn and make one's central pawns mobile, also opening the diagonals for one's bishop pair.
18. O-O
18 a4 f5! 19 a5 Qc7 is too slow. 18 Bc1 f5 19 Nd2 with the idea of defending the square e4. 19...Rad8 20 f3 Be7! Black has a winning position as White is undeveloped.
18... f5
! White has several missing tempos to defend the central square e4.
19. exf5 e4
The diagonals for Black's bishops are opening.
20. Nf3e1
? After that move, White's development becomes even worse. Better was 20 Ng5 Bc7 21 Ne6 Rxe6! Black eliminates White's only active piece. 22 fxe6 Qd6 23 g3 Qxe6, but Black still has a winning attack.
20... Qb6c7 21. g3 e3
! Now, White's King's position is compromised while Black has the so-called "Horwitz bishops" - two bishops on adjacent diagonals are attacking White's king's position.
22. fxe3
After 22 Bc1 e2 it is clear why the move 20 Ne1? was not a good idea.
22... Bd6xg3
One bishop eliminates the pawn shield while the other bishop helps to create checkmate patterns.
23. Ne1f3
?! Not 23 hxg3?? Qxg3# (White's Queen Q/c2 is cut off from the kingside). Better was 23 Ba5! Qxa5, but after 24 hxg3 Rxe3 Black has still a winning king's attack.
23... Bg3xh2
! The defending pawn shield of White's king's position is completely eliminated.
24. Nf3xh2
?? The game move opens the diagonal a8-h1. Better was 24 Kh1 Qg3, but Black has till a winning attack. Black wins at least the exchange.
24... Qc7g3
White's Queen on c2 is cut off. White has a missing tempo: the bishop B/d2 should be on c1 or e1 or b2 instead.
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Game Details
- Game started
- 17 Oct 21
- Last move
- 20 Oct 21
- Lost
Annotation Details
- Annotation Id
- 7347
- Created
- 20 Oct 21
- Updated
- 20 Oct 21