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Annotated Chess Game 15092109

Annotated Chess Game 15092109

Annotation by stevehewitt

1. Nb1c3

Have you seen this opening somewhere before ? I don’t like it.

1... d5 2. d4 Bc8f5 3. e3 e6 4. g4

Unless you had plans to Castle on your Queenside then this is a terrible move. You have destroyed your Kingside castelling safety for no good reason.

4... Bf5g6 5. f4 Bg6e4 6. Nc3xe4 dxe4 7. Bc1d2 Nb8c6 8. Ng1e2 Qd8h4 9. Ne2g3 f5 10. h3

This was a really bad move too. You removed the support for your night which was pinned to your king. This resulted in me being able to check you which means you now cannot castle on the Queen side

10... Qh4xg3 11. Ke1e2 Qg3f3

And that pawn on square E4 was a lifesaver as it’s prongs point through your defences and give me somewhere that I can rest while covered. That’s why you then lost your rook.

12. Ke2e1 Qf3xh1 13. Qd1e2 Qh1f3

I am so much up in material at this point I am happy to swap of Queens. This is a standard practice when you have a large material advantage.

14. Qe2b5 O-O-O 15. Qb5e2

Maybe going right back to the position where I will exchange was not the best plan either.

15... Qf3xe2 16. Ke1xe2 Ng8f6 17. Ra1e1 fxg4 18. hxg4 Nf6xg4 19. Bf1h3 h5 20. Ke2d1

Always check for tricky forks with knights especially when it is a high value piece like king queen or rook

20... Ng4f2 21. Kd1c1 Nf2xh3 22. Re1h1 Nh3xf4

I was going to lose this knight almost whatever I did so given I am well up on material I thought I’d at least take one of your pawns with me. It also splits those two white pawns and gives you a bad position pawn structure. My two black pawns in line on column E are also bad pawn structure BTW

23. exf4 Nc6xd4 24. Kc1d1 Nd4f3

This is a great combination to look out for a pawn that has no other opposing pawns that can take it can act as an outpost for something like the knight or Bishop. Also by moving the knight I am revealing a pin against your king with your black bishop. This renders your Bishop of low value while in that condition

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Game started
11 Dec 22
Last move
13 Dec 22

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Annotation Id
13 Dec 22
13 Dec 22

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