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Annotated Chess Game 4038243

Annotated Chess Game 4038243

Annotation by stevenitalo

gperlis is a very good attacking style player. I don't think I have defeated him face to face. And this was my only win on the internet.

1. d4 d5 2. Ng1f3 Ng8f6 3. Nb1c3 Bc8f5 4. Bc1f4 e6 5. a3 Nf6e4 6. Nc3xe4 Bf5xe4 7. e3 Bf8d6 8. Bf4xd6 Qd8xd6 9. Bf1e2 c5 10. Be2b5 Nb8c6 11. O-O O-O 12. dxc5 Qd6xc5 13. Bb5d3 Ra8d8 14. b4 Qc5c3 15. Qd1e1 Qc3b2 16. Qe1c1 Qb2c3 17. Qc1e1 Qc3f6 18. b5 Be4xf3 19. gxf3 Nc6e5 20. Bd3e2 Qf6f5

Time for me to start feeling nervous.

21. f4 Ne5g4 22. f3 Ng4xe3 23. Be2d3 Qf5xf4 24. Rf1f2 d4 25. h3 Qf4g3 26. Kg1h1 Qg3xh3 27. Rf2h2 Qh3xf3

He's just devouring my pawns and I'm worried about my position, since he is such a good player.

28. Kh1g1 Rd8d5

...but he gives me breathing space. It's amazing what a change of view can do. I now see a massive chance. In fact the game is mine. I thought my goose was cooked. I couldn't get my Queen and Rook in to play. The Black Queen was doing plenty of damage and the Black Knight and d4 pawn were sitting there, breathing down my neck and waiting to pounce. He should have played 28...Qf3g4+ and checkmate for black follows regardless of whether 29. Kg1f1 or 29.Qe1g3

29. Bd3xh7

Wow. What a good feeling. The King must expose himself and then his Queen will be lost also.

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Game Details

Game started
16 Sep 07
Last move
19 Oct 07

Annotation Details

Annotation Id
18 Mar 11
22 Sep 11

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