1. e4 c5
Sicilian Def.
2. c3
c3 Sicilian
2... d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. cxd4
With better occupation and control of center by white for now.
4... Ng8f6 5. Nb1c3 a6 6. Ng1f3 e6
White has a more dynamic center which controls more squares.
7. Bf1d3 b5 8. O-O Bc8b7 9. d5
An attempt to open the center as black's king remains there.
9... exd5 10. exd5
The d 5 pawn is now poisoned as capturing with either black piece results in 11.Bxb5+ axb5, 12 Nxd5. Material even but black has 3 isolated pawns and king in the center.
10... Bf8e7 11. Bc1f4
Still leaving the d5 pawn poisoned.
11... O-O 12. Nf3d4
An attempt to draw the f6 knight away so Qh5 is playable, which threatens mate.
12... Nf6xd5 13. Nc3xd5 Bb7xd5 14. Qd1h5
Attempt successful and now the double threat of mate and capture at d5.
14... f5
Tring to stop both threats.
15. Nd4xf5
Another possible move was 15.Bxf5 with the reply of h6, 16.Bxh6 gxh6 17.Qg6+ Kh8 18.Qg7mate
15... g6 16. Nf5xe7 Qd8xe7 17. Qh5xd5
Picking up the hanging bishop and now with an x-ray attack of rook and king.
17... Qe7f7 18. Qd5xa8 Qf7xf4
Trading a bishop for a rook.
19. Qa8d5 Kg8g7 20. Ra1c1 Nb8d7 21. g3 Qf4f6 22. Rc1c2 Nd7e5 23. f4 Ne5g4 24. Rc2c7
24.Rf7 would lead to rook exchanges and white with a material advantage.
24... Kg7h6 25. Qd5g5
Now QxQ fxQ+ gathers a free rook.
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Game Details
- Game started
- 30 Mar 24
- Last move
- 31 Mar 24
- Lost
Annotation Details
- Annotation Id
- 8289
- Created
- 08 Apr 24
- Updated
- 276d