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Chess Street Signs (part III)

Chess Street Signs (part III)

The Planet Greenpawn

Chess Street Signs (part III)

I finally took a trip across town to see the street sign put up in my honour.
(See Blog Post 448 for more details how this happnened.)

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Then passing ‘my street' just a few days ago I notice it had been nicked!

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I wonder who did that? never mind. Have you seen a picture of my sitting room wall.

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green pawns

And now for no particular reason a selection of RHP endgame errors.

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cakeys - Wilake RHP 2007

Next we see the aptly named Pawn Grabber v lauciusa RHP 2010

No series of stalemates would be complete without a clumsy automatic promotion.

chuphone - GudMerning RHP 2009

Next we see a series of game featuring this pawn pattern...

...and the dangers of playing for a win a drawn position.

randolf - TPOL RHP 2011

Next we see the same pattern but White chases the wrong pawn and loses a won ending.

vgunzler - Marko Krale RHP .2018

Same idea and result as the previous game. White needlessly resigned.

26ab26 - samkon RHP 2015

White is presented with a won position from a draw game but fluffs it.

bttnpshrx - Tychoo RHP 2013

green pawns

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The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 186318

The Planet Greenpawn

Last Post
26 Oct 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10
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