Father's Day, an Advert and a Trap.

Father's Day, an Advert and a Trap.

The Planet Greenpawn

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Me with my Father’s Day ‘Cool Dads Play Chess’ t-shirt
and The Lewis Chessmen at the Edinburgh Museum.
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I might go and see this act at the Edinburgh Fringe in August.

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The Falkirk Herald and Linlithgow Journal began their Chess column on the
10th April 1895.This was the first problem (no composers name was given)

White to play and mate in two moves. (solution later)

That was followed by The Immortal Game (I won’t bother showing that)
then came this study composed by Stamma (born sometime in the 1700’s)

White to play. to play and win.

new sol

The first Falkirk Herald problem

The answer is 1.Qh1 and no matter what Black plays next it is checkmate.

The Stamma Study. It quite a famous one this. Most will have solved it.

And just when you thought it was safe to continue I’m now going to give
you another one to solve. You have to admit the last two were pretty easy.

M. Gurevich (2635) - R. Ovetchkin (2554), Germany 2007 (White to play)

White agreed to a draw. It is very helpful when someone puts a diagram in
front of you and says’ ‘White to play’ It is totally different being able to spot
these things during an actual game especially when you think it is a draw.

A Theme. RHP games with a Rook sacrifice and a Bishop checkmate.

emiliomc - RiverCraven RHP 2014 (White to play)

If only that g1 Bishop was not King-Pinned...
1.Rd2+ Qxd2 unpinning the Bishop 2.Bb6 mate.

littleredcat - cardiffwizard RHP 2011 (White to play)

Remember the object of the game is to mate the King not win the Queen.
Not 1.Bf5 but 1.Rxc6+ bxc6 2,Ba6 mate,

Let us look at a game with theme of the week

michael odonnell - yourmovecreep RHP 2010

That cute trap I mentioned.

geadon - porygon RHP 2007

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The thread accompanying this blog is Thread 199999
The Planet Greenpawn
Last Post
01 Jul 24
Blog since
06 Jul 10