Game History #3602473

Game History #3602473

Nikola Stokic vs Mahoutsoukai

| White has gambitted a whole piece but has three pieces all bearing down on black's isolated king's bishop's pawn, his weakest square. Such wild play is rare in modern chess.
1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Nf3 g5 4.Bc4!? g4 5.0-0 gxf3 6.Qxf3.
Current Round #5

Resigned, black wins

Game Details
Game Id
Last move played
c5 - e7
Last move
28 May 07 18:42
Move number
Half moves
Rated game
Game created
25 May 07 10:58
Time controls
Move Timeout
3 days
Initial Timebank
14 days

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