The Marshals. vs Canadian Bacon

The Marshals. vs Canadian Bacon

Clan Challenge

The Marshals.Canadian Bacon
The Marshals.MovesCanadian Bacon
Very Rusty1373481325kingmartensk
Very Rusty1373471325kingmartens
adalia bipunctata1381491227The pied piperTpp
adalia bipunctata1381301227The pied piper
AAnonymousnumber197118950ChAoTiC aNaToMyCa
Anonymousnumber19716950ChAoTiC aNaToMy
2Games Won6
0Gross Points8
-8Net Points8
Challenge Result Notes

'Canadian Bacon' wins.

8 points awarded to winner.

8 of 8 games scored for this challenge.

This challenge result contributed to the 2009 challenge table.

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