stargaters vs The Inverness Caley Thistle Clan

stargaters vs The Inverness Caley Thistle Clan

Clan Challenge

stargatersThe Inverness Caley Thistle Clan
stargatersMovesThe Inverness Caley Thistle Clan
NKNicholas Karras1835571902bigtroublemakerb
Nicholas Karras1835241902bigtroublemaker
LCLand Crawford1003291462The SpongeTS
Land Crawford1003411462The Sponge
pppants pissants1083391204Wycombe AlWycombe Al
pants pissants1083271204Wycombe Al
2Games Won3
0Gross Points6
-6Net Points6
Challenge Result Notes

'The Inverness Caley Thistle Clan' wins.

6 points awarded to winner.

6 of 6 games scored for this challenge.

This challenge result contributed to the 2012 challenge table.

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