The Rotating Stars Clan! vs The Jewish Clan

The Rotating Stars Clan! vs The Jewish Clan

Clan Challenge

The Rotating Stars Clan!The Jewish Clan
The Rotating Stars Clan!MovesThe Jewish Clan
bbuddy21812591244Ed BernheimEB
buddy21812281244Ed Bernheim
ROGER THE DODGERROGER THE DODGER1323571459meanmicromeanmicro
ROGER THE DODGER1323611459meanmicro
cschris stephens1089101293BraveHagenB
chris stephens1089261293BraveHagen
5Games Won5
5Gross Points5
5Net Points5
Challenge Result Notes

Clan challenge drawn.

5 points awarded to both clans.

10 of 10 games scored for this challenge.

This challenge result contributed to the 2005 challenge table.

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