White | Black | Move | Last Move | Game State | |||||||
1234 | 1635 | 0-1 | 1 day | Checkmate | |||||||
1635 | 1710 | 1-0 | 1 day | Resigned | |||||||
1635 | 1548 | 1-0 | 1 day | Checkmate | |||||||
1635 | 1604 | 0-1 | 1 day | Checkmate | |||||||
1635 | 1502 | 1-0 | 1 day | Resigned | |||||||
2100 | 1635 | 1-0 | 1 day | Resigned | |||||||
1635 | 1562 | 1-0 | 1 day | Resigned | |||||||
1532 | 1635 | 1-0 | 7 days (+7) | Resigned | |||||||
1635 | 1622 | 1-0 | 1 day | Resigned | |||||||
1511 | 1635 | 1-0 | 1 day (+3) | Resigned | |||||||
1635 | 1458 | 1-0 | 3 days (+7) | Checkmate | |||||||
1635 | 1133 | 1-0 | 1 day | Timeout | |||||||
1458 | 1635 | 1-0 | 3 days (+7) | Resigned | |||||||
1803 | 1635 | 1-0 | 1 day | Resigned | |||||||
1635 | 1497 | ½-½ | 1 day | Draw agreed | |||||||
1635 | 1133 | 1-0 | 1 day | Checkmate | |||||||
1365 | 1635 | 0-1 | 3 days (+7) | Timeout | |||||||
1324 | 1635 | 0-1 | 3 days (+7) | Checkmate | |||||||
1635 | 1458 | 1-0 | 21 days (+7) | Resigned | |||||||
1635 | 1177 | 1-0 | 3 days (+7) | Resigned | |||||||
1554 | 1635 | 0-1 | 3 days (+7) | Resigned | |||||||
1177 | 1635 | 0-1 | 3 days (+7) | Checkmate | |||||||
1635 | 1324 | 1-0 | 1 day | Resigned | |||||||
1564 | 1635 | 1-0 | 3 days (+3) | Checkmate | |||||||
1788 | 1635 | 1-0 | 21 days (+7) | Resigned | |||||||
1635 | 1537 | 1-0 | 1 day | Resigned | |||||||
1635 | 1189 | 1-0 | 1 day | Resigned | |||||||
1207 | 1635 | 0-1 | 3 days (+7) | Resigned | |||||||
1272 | 1635 | 0-1 | 3 days (+7) | Resigned | |||||||
1189 | 1635 | 0-1 | 1 day | Resigned | |||||||
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