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Scheduled outage for site update 2009-10-24

Scheduled outage for site update 2009-10-24


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Approx 5AM GMT, Sunday, 2009-10-24
The outage could last as long as 1 hour.

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The update has been completed. Any small issues are being dealt with as they arise.

Timeouts will be reinstated shortly.

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Since I am on this side, the appearance has changed the third time (May 2008).
New abilities for clanleaders or club administratoren are like water in the desert on this side.

1. No chance for "corporate identity"

2. No spinning stars anymore - a special clan will be happy about ๐Ÿ˜  .

There will be coming a time, where the user will not accept this philosophy anymore.

testing result: ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜ ๐Ÿ˜  from five possible negativ-stars

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i used to like the spinning stars aswell,the appearance of the site looks good though..maybe the spinning star clan will be a bit upset now....

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..and whats' with all the waste white space at the top ??

Not a good change .


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...and why are all the links repeated at the bottom of the page. Rubbish.

And just how many 'post' links do we actually need. There's about quarter page of white around the first 'post' link. And on 'My games" there's the same. Too much redundancy. Fix it.


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Originally posted by skeeter
..and whats' with all the waste white space at the top ??
Waste white space? More details please.

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There's a 'My Games' link that appears three times on my "my games 'page. Not neccessary. Nearly every link is duplicated on the page. Why. If peps can't navigate this site without all of that then I just give up.


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Only 24 lines of games on a 24 inch screen (and if I didn't have a row of icons turned off it would be 23)! Still the same midget message box, but less goes in it because the text is bigger. And as for the message log, it's got bigger text and even fewer words to the line. I remember (wistfully) the time when I could get a whole message log on a single printable page. As for that stuff on the bottom of the board, it's just another lot of stuff which should have been done as a drop-down from the black bar below the site logo.

I agree with skeeter about the repetition - just about everywhere you go more lines are wasted. Even on the entry screen for this post, I see a tinted bar "Edit post" taking up about 2 lines, immediately below it another differently-tinted bar "Edit Post" in marginally smaller text. Has anyone actually looked at the screen layouts lately?

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Originally posted by skeeter
...and why are all the links repeated at the bottom of the page. Rubbish.

And just how many 'post' links do we actually need. There's about quarter page of white around the first 'post' link. And on 'My games" there's the same. Too much redundancy. Fix it.

Totaly right to many redundancy !!!!

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Russ. Here's how my 'My Games ' page loads : Browser blue bar at the top - mandatory. Command, button ( no text ) and address bar under. All minimilistic I think you'll agree. Next: Time for chess logo and graphics (too large and only needs one line ) and then the TFC tool bar. ( My Home, My settings etc. ) Then another link bar - My games, New Game etc - all un-neccessary - could all come under the MY Home link. Then another bar - My games , manage games - again , should be under My home .

Then The TFC logo and 'My games' text - why??Then a white space. Then yet another bar - Inbox ?? Should be foldered in my games ?? Then another white space ?? And then too the grist - what we actually want too see = the game ID Opponent - Status - etc display.

You guys need to step back and actually look at the set-up because it sucks. Too
much link duplication and white waste.

Just my bobs worth but it does need a rework.

Kind regards


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Russ - take a look at the Most Activve Player page - I think there's a glitch as some players on page 1 have yellow stars.

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Originally posted by murrow
Russ - take a look at the Most Activve Player page - I think there's a glitch as some players on page 1 have yellow stars.
I no longer construct the star icons from multiple images, and decided not to replicate the coloured stars for the non-winged members. I have just changed these stars from yellow to grey/silver to make them more distinct. However, the "yellow" image may still be cached in your browser.

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My home -> My messages = Bugged

When you click on the above you get a message like this: "Sorry, the page you requested was not found"

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Although the ladder game icon is shown on the site right now (my games legend), the ladder games are not available just yet. Not long now though...

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