16 Apr 17
Originally posted by robbie carrobieWobbie,
you are whacked out man! too much spud juice probably.
Have you ever noticed you accuse everyone of having some kind of a problem except yourself! Stop and think about that. Something alcoholics do, blame everyone except themselves. Yes, I know from experience. 😉
Originally posted by Very RustyHave you ever noticed how you want to project your extremist tea total views onto others simply because you at one point could not exercise self control?
Have you ever noticed you accuse everyone of having some kind of a problem except yourself! Stop and think about that. Something alcoholics do, blame everyone except themselves. Yes, I know from experience. 😉
Originally posted by robbie carrobieWobbie,
Have you ever noticed how you want to project your extremist tea total views onto others simply because you at one point could not exercise self control?
You think anyone believes anything you say anymore. At least I am man enough to admit what my weakness was, and proud I over came it. What is your excuse? 😛
Originally posted by robbie carrobieSandbagger........Bwahahahahaha !!!
You seem a little unbalanced in your refusal to out your masters saggy ways. Your clan is also harboring a sand bagger, radiobagger69. Try learning to be less hypocritical and less partisan.
Man you certainly are the forum clown. Someone like yourself who will be forever known on this site as the biggest cheat has the gall to point the finger at someone who plays fair and to the death.
You seem to have me confused with your butt pimple......McGayo.
Thanks for the laughs fool. Have a nice day !!!