They're out there, no longer banished to be melted into bizarre ashtrays, thanks to the internet and the long memories of the fogies on the internet. So what songs would you put in the "awful" category?
I don't even know why someone spent the time typing these lyrics onto a web page
Originally posted by pawnhandlerHey, that's my DAD! 😠
They're out there, no longer banished to be melted into bizarre ashtrays, thanks to the internet and the long memories of the fogies on the internet. So what songs would you put in the "awful" category?
I don't even know why someone spent the time typing these lyrics onto a web page
Originally posted by pawnhandler"Plantman," by Gary Young. Probably one of the worst songs ever (of course, I do prefer it to 30 Seconds to Mars, which is something to consider).
They're out there, no longer banished to be melted into bizarre ashtrays, thanks to the internet and the long memories of the fogies on the internet. So what songs would you put in the "awful" category?
I don't even know why someone spent the time typing these lyrics onto a web page
"My Pal Foot Foot," by the Shaggs. Also probably one of the worst songs ever (but again, I do prefer it to Maroon 5, which is something to consider).