As the rich get richer the poor get poorer and crime becomes more attractive to the lower classes.
@athousandyoung saidSo that makes them steal snacks and soft drinks at gas stations?
As the rich get richer the poor get poorer and crime becomes more attractive to the lower classes.
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@athousandyoung saidAmericans do not know what real poverty is. The 'poorer' classes only know greed and laziness.
As the rich get richer the poor get poorer and crime becomes more attractive to the lower classes.
@jj-adams saidLack of respect for authority. I bet they wont dare do that in China.
Why do you suppose this sort of thing has become so common?
Social media coordination?
Or just plain scum-bagginess that's become acceptable today?
@kewpie saidSeems like they all got $200 sneakers and I-phones, so they do have something.
If you have nothing, you can ascribe no value to property. Smart folks figured out long ago that if you don't allow people to get enough stuff to live, legally, they'll never acquire respect for other people's property.
They also have some fancy grillwork on their teef as well as rims on their cars.
@athousandyoung saidAnd morally more justifiable, how does jj think the rich get rich
As the rich get richer the poor get poorer and crime becomes more attractive to the lower classes.
@shavixmir saidHave you been to a McDonald's lately?
That's because fat food is cheaper than a healthy salad.
Big Mac combo meals are 14 dollars.
Fast food isn't cheap anymore.
@rajk999 saidAmericans are the people who had the balls to do what was needed to get out of real poverty. That's why we're Americans. We left the famines in India, China, and Ireland. We left Auschwitz. We left Sicily, Venezuela and Haiti.
Americans do not know what real poverty is. The 'poorer' classes only know greed and laziness.
Our ancestors left these sh**hole countries because we aren't willing to tolerate real poverty because we're not weak like the rest of you. So stfu about how you are so proud to tolerate poverty without doing anything about it. You are a lesser man than the Haitian gangsters who came to America. They had the balls not to tolerate the real poverty you're so proud of.
Maybe if your poor people had some balls your country wouldn't suffer real poverty either. I guess you're proud of how they've been ground into submission. How pathetic.
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@jj-adams saidI don't see all that on the wretched people who stand outside 7-11 or hang out on Skid Row. Where do you go to observe poor people such that you see those things?
Seems like they all got $200 sneakers and I-phones, so they do have something.
They also have some fancy grillwork on their teef as well as rims on their cars.