19 Dec 23
@mott-the-hoople saidYou might have a point, if any of that was true.
“Spend 100 years fighting for women’s rights to end up with no women’s sports, no women’s bathrooms, no women’s locker rooms, and endorsement deals for feminine products going to men in a dress.
You progressed all the way back to the stone ages.
19 Dec 23
@mott-the-hoople saidFrom what I understand they wanted the vote, protection from domestic abuse, access birth control and equal pay so all of that is irrelevant.
“Spend 100 years fighting for women’s rights to end up with no women’s sports, no women’s bathrooms, no women’s locker rooms, and endorsement deals for feminine products going to men in a dress.
You progressed all the way back to the stone ages.
19 Dec 23
@mott-the-hoople saidYour moronic oversimplification of this issue is duly noted.
“Spend 100 years fighting for women’s rights to end up with no women’s sports, no women’s bathrooms, no women’s locker rooms, and endorsement deals for feminine products going to men in a dress.
You progressed all the way back to the stone ages.
19 Dec 23
@mott-the-hoople saidWhat 'feminine products' are going to men in dresses?
“Spend 100 years fighting for women’s rights to end up with no women’s sports, no women’s bathrooms, no women’s locker rooms, and endorsement deals for feminine products going to men in a dress.
You progressed all the way back to the stone ages.
I know FtM trans men are advertising tampons but that's not what you said.
Do you mean makeup and lingerie?
19 Dec 23
@mott-the-hoople saidLet’s see then:
“Spend 100 years fighting for women’s rights to end up with no women’s sports, no women’s bathrooms, no women’s locker rooms, and endorsement deals for feminine products going to men in a dress.
You progressed all the way back to the stone ages.
- there are women’s sports.
Although, I’m not sure that was on the manifesto.
- there are women’s toilets
- there are women’s locker rooms
- endorsement deals for feminine products…
Pretty sure that wasn’t on any bloody manifesto.
Free female hygene products. That’s still on the to-do list in most countries.
Safety from being beat up by men in the home. That’s still on the to-do list.
Equal pay for equal work per hour. That’s still on the to-do list.
Quite a mixed bag really, eh?
And you’re focussing on matters beyond your comprehension.
As you well know, I would never advocate that all toilets are co-ed. Most people don’t. Just add a few gender neutral toilets for those that need them or don’t care.
The sporting thing actually is an interestinf issue. But instead of brainstorming solutions, you dig your heels into the sand and sound like a bigot.
Be constructive. It would be good PR for yourself.
19 Dec 23
@mott-the-hoople saidThis is what it means to be a regressive
“Spend 100 years fighting for women’s rights to end up with no women’s sports, no women’s bathrooms, no women’s locker rooms, and endorsement deals for feminine products going to men in a dress.
You progressed all the way back to the stone ages.
Be as stupid as possible
Be scared 💩less of everything
Be prepared to lie your face off if reality is not scary enough or at all
19 Dec 23
@mott-the-hoople saidit's telling that you think women rights is summarized by women bathrooms and sports and like 0.1% of endorsements going to one or two transgender persons.
“Spend 100 years fighting for women’s rights to end up with no women’s sports, no women’s bathrooms, no women’s locker rooms, and endorsement deals for feminine products going to men in a dress.
You progressed all the way back to the stone ages.
If what you're saying was even remotely true
19 Dec 23
@athousandyoung saidI think that ‘No-tuck’ shirts for men are quite feminine . In 20 years they will evolve into knee-high length.
What 'feminine products' are going to men in dresses?
I know FtM trans men are advertising tampons but that's not what you said.
Do you mean makeup and lingerie?
Men are drifting big time into womanhood.
19 Dec 23
@averagejoe1 saidMhmmm… multiple orgasms… mhmmmm
I think that ‘No-tuck’ shirts for men are quite feminine . In 20 years they will evolve into knee-high length.
Men are drifting big time into womanhood.
19 Dec 23
@shavixmir saidNot for republican women though, sex is for reproducing perfect clones of yourselves and if you start to deviate in any way the school teacher must inform the parents immediately, if not earlier
Mhmmm… multiple orgasms… mhmmmm
19 Dec 23
@wildgrass saidoh, do you mean these articles about men pretending to be women are not true?
A short lesson in what it looks like to be duped by media narratives.
19 Dec 23
@kevcvs57 saida pretty stupid comment even for you
Not for republican women though, sex is for reproducing perfect clones of yourselves and if you start to deviate in any way the school teacher must inform the parents immediately, if not earlier
are you wanting in the little girls bathroom?