Originally posted by ivanhoeMore safe than not using a condom, right? Condoms are not 100 percent safe. Neither is riding in an airplane or driving in a car.
Socialist 1917: " I go to school to learn about facts, not about myths."
We are deluding ourselves if we think we can go around and have "safe sex".
Originally posted by socialist1917So what is the goal here, in this sex education? To show how to have
More safe than not using a condom, right? Condoms are not 100 percent safe. Neither is riding in an airplane or driving in a car.
safer sex? To protect everyone from STD? What is the goal? Do morals
play any role at all in sex education?
Originally posted by KellyJayI think that's an excellent question regarding morals. What role *should* they play when teaching sex education? The problem is how do they teach morals? Morals are personal, we all have our own standards. Behavior that I consider immoral may be perfectly acceptable, even enjoyable, to others.
So what is the goal here, in this sex education? To show how to have
safer sex? To protect everyone from STD? What is the goal? Do morals
play any role at all in sex education?
I have no idea how a school would define moral sexual behavior. Among the faculty, students and parents they would have wildly varying degrees of their definitions of morality. Then we throw religion, family values, cultural backgrounds, etc into the mix and I don't think anyone could ever define, much less teach, morals to the student body.
Perhaps the best way to teach sex education is to teach all the pros and cons of sex. Just lay it all out there. Pregnancy with it's bloating, weight gain, hemmorhoids, mood swings, medical expenses, physical pain, blah blah blah. Throw in all of the sexual deseases and their effects. Then throw in child support costs, the emotional turmoil of abortion, the costs of child rearing, and on and on. Just scare the crap out of'em. Most are still gonna have sex anyway, but maybe they'll be terrified into taking the proper precautions.
Does love have anything to do with sex-education .... loyalty ..... respect or even sacrifice ...... uuuh ..... no we rather talk about condoms and our "rights" to go around and have a lot of "fun" using eachother's bodies and delude ourselves and young people into believing(!) that this is the way to become happy ......
The Natural Law interpreted by the mob !
Originally posted by Bosse de NageNo Bosse ! I myself once believed in the "Interpretation of the Mob" and not only in the field of sex ...... what a hoax it is, what a grand illusion is being sold to the public .... freedom, that precious gift, is being elevated to idolatrous levels.
As opposed to the exalted insights of an Ivanhoe.
I had to find out the truth the hard way ..... I hope others are more sensible then I was. Your sarcastic remarks and comments do not indicate such an attitude.
Originally posted by KellyJayThe goal is to drive down teen pregnancies and STD transmissions (which it has). It is not the state's job to teach morals. It is the religious institution's and the families job to do so.
So what is the goal here, in this sex education? To show how to have
safer sex? To protect everyone from STD? What is the goal? Do morals
play any role at all in sex education?
Originally posted by socialist1917Exactly. Teaching people methods to avoid diseases is health education; try as they might, the religious right can't attach their moral agenda to it with the aim of suppressing this vital knowledge.
The goal is to drive down teen pregnancies and STD transmissions (which it has). It is not the state's job to teach morals. It is the religious institution's and the families job to do so.
Originally posted by ivanhoeBy "the Mob" do you mean your fellow human beings, Ivanhoe? Or the Mafia?
Does love have anything to do with sex-education .... loyalty ..... respect or even sacrifice ...... uuuh ..... no we rather talk about condoms and our "rights" to go around and have a lot of "fun" using eachother's bodies and delude ourselves and young people into believing(!) that this is the way to become happy ......
The Natural Law interpreted by the mob !
Originally posted by no1marauderhttp://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=mob&x=15&y=17
By "the Mob" do you mean your fellow human beings, Ivanhoe? Or the Mafia?
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
2 entries found for mob.
To select an entry, click on it.
mob[1,noun]mob[2,transitive verb]
Main Entry: 1mob
Pronunciation: 'mäb
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin mobile vulgus vacillating crowd
1 : a large or disorderly crowd; especially : one bent on riotous or destructive action
2 : the lower classes of a community : MASSES, RABBLE
3 chiefly Australian : a flock, drove, or herd of animals
4 : a criminal set : GANG; especially often capitalized : MAFIA 1
5 chiefly British : a group of people : CROWD
synonym see CROWD
- mob·bish /'mä-bish/ adjective
Alright, think back, way back for some, to when you were a teenager. I remember our sex ed classes in school. They begin here in grade 4. It was mainly an anatomy course. Each year it was the same old reguritated crap. Ovaries, testicles, menstration ect. There was birth control methods and the dreaded fears of STDs sure. but ultimately though, as a teenager, these were still all things that happened to other people.
I haven't forgotten that feeling of invinsibility that comes with youth. Even with the knowledge given to us it was still something that couldn't possibly happen to me. This is the main drive of youth. This is why teenagers will do reckless things that adults consider extreme. They are untouchable in their inexperience. Granted there will be the more emotionally mature who are able to grasp the dangers that sex can bring and will make the effort to take precautions when the time comes. This won't be the norm. So while educating kids about the dangers of sex and informing them of options for protection is all well and good but it's the parents who need to give them the tools for responsible decision making and to try and instill a very real sense of consequences.
To a child suffering from low self esteem and no sense of value the consequences will never outweigh the thought that they some how deserve to suffer. That contracting an STD would somehow validate their feelings of worthlessness. Some teen girls welcome the opportunity for pregnancy feeling that it will provide them with the unconditional love that the're not recieving currently in their lives. There are so many more issues to sex education than teaching abstinance is safe and if you're not going to abstain then use condoms. In a perfect world parents would raise their children to always feel loved and valued. In a perfect world teenagers wouldn't feel the need to grow up so fast and put themselves in potentially dangerous situations. Heck in a perfect world there wouldn't be the threat of death from having sex! But life's not perfect and neither is the educational system. Parents need to parent, not pass the buck on to an emotionally detached system. There is way more to sex education than the naming of body parts and the prevention of STDs.
Originally posted by mokkoBlah, blah, blah. The moral issues can be dealt with by parents, clergy, whoever. The public schools should treat it as a health issue, pure and simple.
Alright, think back, way back for some, to when you were a teenager. I remember our sex ed classes in school. They begin here in grade 4. It was mainly an anatomy course. Each year it was the same old reguritated crap. Ovaries, testicles, menstration ect. There was birth control methods and the dreaded fears of STDs sure. but ultimately though, as a teenager, ...[text shortened]... em. There is way more to sex education than the naming of body parts and the prevention of STDs.