Originally posted by generalissimoWould you put the coma sufferer in an electric chair? Or try to somehow hang them by the neck? Or perhaps give them a lethal injection?
There is no need to appeal to emotion.
Nobody is above the law, it doesn't matter if they're in coma or not, a murderer is still a murderer.
If you commit a crime you suffer the consequences.
Originally posted by generalissimoDepending on the severity of an untreated mental disorder, they (by law) cannot be held responsible for their actions. many people with severe psychosis, are very treatable. Under the care of physicians and the right medications, they would never even consider murder, yet their illnesses untreated are wildly unpredictable. Just thank heaven you are not thusly afflicted
If they're murderers yes, they're not above the law simply because of their condition.
Originally posted by generalissimoThe problem lays with the mandatory appeal system etc...Yet we cannot deny people these appeals. There have been plenty of instances where death penalty convictions have been overturned. Yet even with all these appeals, there is no way for certain (100😵 to know that a person is guilty. We can prove it "beyond a reasonable doubt", but not 100% conclusively. That is why it is so expensive, and why we shouldn't execute.
[b]1. capital punishment costs more than incarcerating someone for the rest of their natural lives.
like I said previously (see page 2), it depends on the method of execution, and the time it takes to happen.[/b]