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Q. What involvement, if any, do satellites play in our cell phone service?

Thank you.


Originally posted by FreakyKBH
[b]Q. What involvement, if any, do satellites play in our cell phone service?

Thank you.[/b]
Why do you ask since you already think you know the answer, that there is no such thing as satellites. I guess next you will ask what we think of GPS being run by ground stations like cell phones.


Originally posted by sonhouse
Why do you ask since you already think you know the answer, that there is no such thing as satellites. I guess next you will ask what we think of GPS being run by ground stations like cell phones.
Swing and a miss.
Just answer the question, FFS.


Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Swing and a miss.
Just answer the question, FFS.
What is going to be your point? We already know cell phones use cell towers ground to ground comm links and there are satellite phones too if you want to pay big bucks but able to talk in the Gobi desert if you have to. So what.

What is the huge anti-science point you are about to make, or rather the huge conspiracy hiding behind all this?




Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Q. What involvement, if any, do satellites play in our cell phone service?

Thank you.
That depends on which cell phone you are using and which location you are in. A phone that connects directly to satellite would be called a satellite phone, so what is normally termed a 'cell phone' does not connect directly to satellites. But if by 'service' you mean the full connectivity to other parties, then for many isolated places, communications still go via satellite.


Originally posted by twhitehead
That depends on which cell phone you are using and which location you are in. A phone that connects directly to satellite would be called a satellite phone, so what is normally termed a 'cell phone' does not connect directly to satellites. But if by 'service' you mean the full connectivity to other parties, then for many isolated places, communications still go via satellite.
But that is not his agenda, you know it will tie to the flat Earth fantasy. Because he doesn't believe there are such things as satellites AT ALL. Even Sputnik was faked. Which was interesting because lots of people including me heard the 20 mhz beep beep beep right after that fateful day, October 4th 1957.


Originally posted by sonhouse
But that is not his agenda, you know it will tie to the flat Earth fantasy.
Well give him time to dig his hole.

Just over ten years ago I worked for a hotel, and all international calls and internet services was routed via satellite (I was one of those responsible for making sure the ground equipment connected to the dish stayed in service). I don't know if they still use satellite or have switched to fibre. I do know that Livingstone has had a fibre backbone for internet for a number of years. It is probable that the local phone companies also moved to fibre for international services.


Originally posted by sonhouse
Because he doesn't believe there are such things as satellites AT ALL.
He couldn't possibly be that stupid.
Here in Africa, satellite TV is pretty much standard. Nearly every building has a dish on it.


Originally posted by twhitehead
He couldn't possibly be that stupid.
Here in Africa, satellite TV is pretty much standard. Nearly every building has a dish on it.
Don't you see? If satellites are real they go ROUND and ROUND Earth. Can't have that on a flat planet. According to him, GPS signals comes from ground stations. I got no reply when I mentioned GPS's work just fine in the middle of the Pacific ocean and I dare you to use ground stations to do that🙂


Originally posted by sonhouse
Don't you see? If satellites are real they go ROUND and ROUND Earth. Can't have that on a flat planet. According to him, GPS signals comes from ground stations. I got no reply when I mentioned GPS's work just fine in the middle of the Pacific ocean and I dare you to use ground stations to do that🙂
I promise I'll get back to this, but much bigger fish are frying on the Manchester Dud thread.


Originally posted by FreakyKBH
I promise I'll get back to this, but much bigger fish are frying on the Manchester Dud thread.
Only in your sick mind.


Originally posted by twhitehead
He couldn't possibly be that stupid.
But he is. He's an idiot.


Originally posted by twhitehead
He couldn't possibly be that stupid.
Guess again.


Originally posted by sonhouse
Don't you see? If satellites are real they go ROUND and ROUND Earth. Can't have that on a flat planet. According to him, GPS signals comes from ground stations. I got no reply when I mentioned GPS's work just fine in the middle of the Pacific ocean and I dare you to use ground stations to do that🙂
I shouldn't have to ask it another way just to get you to respond to the actual question, so kindly refer to OP.

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