It takes hundreds of years to change attitudes. We are still fighting the 21st century version of the Civil War, and Trump fanned the fires of hate to the point where there are some 10 to 20 times the anti-Chinese or Asian racism.
And of course I am not trying to say it was all Kumbaya and pass the yogurt, Anti Asian racism has been going on for a long time but Trump inflamed the base because he made it clear it was not only OK to be racist but REQUIRED if you want to be a Trump cultist.
He made it a LOT worse and there is no denying that.
The post that was quoted here has been removedSlavery is, of course, only one example of racism.
Although, I guess it could be argued that it isn’t even racist. It’s just making money.
Lots of societies have a history of servitus.
And the word slavery comes from the Germanic word for the Slavic people they enslaved (so basically it’s name calling... and anyone referring to a black person as a slave is actually dissing Eastern Europeans).
Well, I would say slavery in the context of stealing people from Africa to work for Europeans in the Americas is racist. Yes.
My point is: there are other forms of racism out there.
People are nasty. The quicker the human race turns to fertilizer, the better the world will be.