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CLIMAAAATE Activist Attacks Mona Lisa

CLIMAAAATE Activist Attacks Mona Lisa



What is wrong with you people.


I'm still working on a plan to kill Superman and take over the Justice League.


@averagejoe1 said
What is wrong with you people.
Right-wing policies are killing elementary-school children but you're outraged over a painting.

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@vivify said
Right-wing policies are killing elementary-school children but you're outraged over a painting.
Silly me. Problem is, you think it is the painting I am fussing over. No I am concerned about your maniac culture. Why am I concerned? Because, I think that you are going to win. Our nation to be reduced to mere zombies. Hey,, I'm glad you bring up the elementary school subject. A NC grade school is showing pictures of a pregnant man to the children. Do you think it is a right-wing policy? Funny that you won't say that that is a bad thing, which it is. Why not, Vivify? Are you such a follower of the narrative? Be a man, Vivify.


@vivify said
Right-wing policies are killing elementary-school children but you're outraged over a painting.
Wrong. He's outraged over a glass case around a painting.


@shallow-blue said
Wrong. He's outraged over a glass case around a painting.
Since painting is not harmed, you have confirmed that that is hardly what I am thinkking about. Did you see the loser (I bet his govt gives him money, makes me sick to my stomach) screaming all through the museum? I think he resembles Vivify, something about the hair. But usually it is in a bun, to keep it from getting caught in his earring. 😆


MANIAC culture? You are SERIOUSLY deluded. You zombie repubs can't even raise the age to legally buy guns to 21.
And maybe if you had been watching something besides Newsmax, you would find ALL the school shootings were done by 18 and 19 year old teenagers who legally bought AR15's the weapon of choice for school shooters.
If the laws were such that you had to be 21 to buy guns those murderers would have had 3 years to cool off and most likely would never have done such murders.

But that kind of thinking goes way over the heads of the likes of you and the rest of the republican zombies.

Hey, why stop at 18? Why not make it 14? I assume that is what you want, 14 year olds able to by AR 15's.


@averagejoe1 said
No I am concerned about your maniac culture.
You constantly brush off the violent Jan 6th insurrection where people brought a working gallows chanting in unison to hang the VP.

Yet this OP is what concerns you.


@vivify said
Right-wing policies are killing elementary-school children but you're outraged over a painting.
Wrong. Social media and the desire for fame (whether for good or bad) is killing our children. On so many levels.


@liljo said
Wrong. Social media and the desire for fame (whether for good or bad) is killing our children. On so many levels.
The Vegas Shooter, responsible for the worst mass-shooting in US. history, was not looking for fame when he shot 550 people.


@vivify said
The Vegas Shooter, responsible for the worst mass-shooting in US. history, was not looking for fame when he shot 550 people.
Oh, I thought you were talking about school children because you said you were talking about school children. My bad.


@liljo said
Oh, I thought you were talking about school children because you said you were talking about school children. My bad.
You're being stupid.

Take your pick, the Sandy Hook shooter wasn't looking for fame either.

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@averagejoe1 said
Since painting is not harmed, you have confirmed that that is hardly what I am thinkking about. Did you see the loser (I bet his govt gives him money, makes me sick to my stomach) screaming all through the museum? I think he resembles Vivify, something about the hair. But usually it is in a bun, to keep it from getting caught in his earring. 😆
I thought the whole "shining city on a hill" point of the USA was to allow many different points of view and to defend the right to express them, whether that expression takes the form of words, concepts, hairstyles, lifestyles, personal jewelry (in whatever locations), tattoos, other body mods, etc.

Whatever general inherent human tendencies toward autocracy and authoritarianism Conservatives correctly try to protect us against, can still find ways to occur under many guises, even ones supported by Patriotic American Conservatives.

Thank goodness I'm an Independent (I'm registered as a Democrat only because locally most offices are decided at the primary level).


snowflakes having nothing better to do. "Hey, look at me!!"

🙁 🙁 🙁

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@earl-of-trumps said
snowflakes having nothing better to do. "Hey, look at me!!"

🙁 🙁 🙁
Guy in a wig with a pie trying to make a point about what other artists "should" be doing sounds like a crazy person to me.

Unless you were talking about my well-crafted post, in which case I would now face the difficult decision whether to call you an attention whoor. 😉

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