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Clinton adopts Sanders' student debt plan

Clinton adopts Sanders' student debt plan




Extending an olive branch to Bernie Sanders and his supporters, Hillary Clinton on Wednesday will announce a plan to make in-state public colleges and universities free for students from families who make less than $125,000 a year.

Sanders made free in-state tuition a core plank of his campaign for the Democratic nomination, and Clinton and Sanders discussed the issue in their meeting last month, according to a Clinton aide.

Sanders hailed the news as "a revolutionary step forward for higher education" in an uncharacteristically positive statement about a Clinton initiative.

"I want to take this opportunity to applaud Secretary Clinton for the very bold initiative she has just brought forth today for the financing of higher education. This proposal combines some of the strongest ideas she fought for during the campaign with some of the principles that I fought for. The final product is a result of the work of both campaigns," Sanders said.

Both campaigns said aides worked behind the scenes closely to hammer out the plan.

During the primary, Clinton often mocked Sanders' free college plan as too expensive, saying she didn't want taxpayers to pay for Donald Trump's kids' education. However, her plan includes an income cap Sanders' did not.

"American families are drowning in debt caused by ever-rising college costs," Clinton said in statement, "and it is imperative that the next president put forward a bold plan to make debt-free college available to all. My New College Compact will do just that."

The announcement comes exactly a month after Clinton clinched the Democratic presidential nomination, and amid an ongoing struggle between supporters of both candidates over what should be included in the Democratic platform.

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TPP and fracking ? Money out of politics? Getting rid of superdelegates? Opening democratic primaries to independents?

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Originally posted by vivify

Extending an olive branch to Bernie Sanders and his supporters, Hillary Clinton on Wednesday will announce a plan to make in-state public colleges and universities free for students from families who make less than $125,000 a year.

Sanders made free ...[text shortened]... e between supporters of both candidates over what should be included in the Democratic platform.
Why has Bernie not endorsed her yet then?

Is she really that horrible?

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
Opening democratic primaries to independents?
This, I actually don't agree with. If I'm an independent supporting a candidate who's already far ahead in the primaries (like in Trump was), then I can decide to better use my vote to sabotage the other party, by picking the candidate least likely to win the general election. Honestly, political parties need to be done away with completely.

Money out of politics?

By Hilary? Hahahahaha.

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Originally posted by vivify
This, I actually don't agree with. If I'm an independent supporting a candidate who's already far ahead in the primaries (like in Trump was), then I can decide to better use my vote to sabotage the other party, by picking the candidate least likely to win the general election. Honestly, political parties need to be done away with completely.

[b]Money out of politics?

By Hilary? Hahahahaha.[/b]
Wouldn't it be nice to pull money out of politics?

We could get rid of Hilary then as well as Trump! 😵

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seems that not really.

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Originally posted by vivify

Extending an olive branch to Bernie Sanders and his supporters, Hillary Clinton on Wednesday will announce a plan to make in-state public colleges and universities free for students from families who make less than $125,000 a year.

Sanders made free ...[text shortened]... e between supporters of both candidates over what should be included in the Democratic platform.
Politics aside, I've never understood why America does not place more emphasis on affordable higher education. How does America expect it's citizens to compete for jobs in the information age, when the education necessary for those jobs are out of reach for so many of it's citizens?

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Originally posted by vivify

Extending an olive branch to Bernie Sanders and his supporters, Hillary Clinton on Wednesday will announce a plan to make in-state public colleges and universities free for students from families who make less than $125,000 a year.

Sanders made free ...[text shortened]... e between supporters of both candidates over what should be included in the Democratic platform.
So according to Hilldog, families that make over $125,000 are the 1%?


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Originally posted by whodey
So according to Hilldog, families that make over $125,000 are the 1%?

Naturally she never made that claim (whodey = dishonest). It does put you in the top 15% however. https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS20811.pdf

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Originally posted by whodey
Why has Bernie not endorsed her yet then?

Is she really that horrible?
Because he'll have zero leverage in getting any part of his progressive policies in the Democratic platform the minute after he does.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Naturally she never made that claim (whodey = dishonest). It does put you in the top 15% however. https://fas.org/sgp/crs/misc/RS20811.pdf
She did not have to say it. She obviously thinks that $125,000 for a couple should preclude them from obtaining a free education. So if they make $124,000, their education is paid for. If they make $125,000, the tax payers pick up the tab.

What a joke.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Because he'll have zero leverage in getting any part of his progressive policies in the Democratic platform the minute after he does.
The Dims don't need any leverage to go full blown socialist. They are already there.

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Originally posted by whodey
The Dims don't need any leverage to go full blown socialist. They are already there.
bwahahaha, if you think the democrats are socialists, you are retarded.

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Originally posted by Zahlanzi
bwahahaha, if you think the democrats are socialists, you are retarded.
They are just pissed at Bernie for admitting he is one.

From here on out, the average Dim will make Bernie look like Rush Limbaugh.

It's Venezuala or bust.

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Originally posted by whodey
She did not have to say it. She obviously thinks that $125,000 for a couple should preclude them from obtaining a free education. So if they make $124,000, their education is paid for. If they make $125,000, the tax payers pick up the tab.

What a joke.
I'm sure you criticized Sanders' plan because it was open to everyone regardless of income.

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