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flag changing


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I feel rather uncomfortable about people changing flags. Do others consider it cheating or just a bit of fun.

I'm against it


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Originally posted by bambee
I feel rather uncomfortable about people changing flags. Do others consider it cheating or just a bit of fun.

I'm against it

Cheating? What does it matter what flag you choose to use? I switched to the Canadian flag out of utter disgust at the direction my country is taking under Ayatollah Bush. For me it is a form of political protest.

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Originally posted by rwingett
Cheating? What does it matter what flag you choose to use? I switched to the Canadian flag out of utter disgust at the direction my country is taking under Ayatollah Bush. For me it is a form of political protest.
Welcome aboard!
"Ayatolla Bush" *snicker*

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I'll bechanging flag in a few weeks when I change country. I don't think it says says anywhere whether it's supposed to be your contry of origin or country of residence.

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Originally posted by rwingett
Cheating? What does it matter what flag you choose to use? I switched to the Canadian flag out of utter disgust at the direction my country is taking under Ayatollah Bush. For me it is a form of political protest.
Why don't you go a step farther in your protest and move there. I'll help you pack and pay the toll to cross the Ambassador Bridge.

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Originally posted by slimjim
Why don't you go a step farther in your protest and move there. I'll help you pack and pay the toll to cross the Ambassador Bridge.
Rob, he does drive a truck so I'm guessing his offer is sincere. The thought of you two in a truck together...........almost as good as Al Sharpton and Ann Coulter. 🙂

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Originally posted by slimjim
Why don't you go a step farther in your protest and move there. I'll help you pack and pay the toll to cross the Ambassador Bridge.
You'd like that, wouldn't you? So that everyone will
be the same: conservative and closed-minded.

For all our disagreements, I'm glad rwingett stays
in an effort to cancel out your vote.


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Originally posted by nemesio
You'd like that, wouldn't you? So that everyone will
be the same: conservative and closed-minded.

For all our disagreements, I'm glad rwingett stays
in an effort to cancel out your vote.

Heck I'll be generous and pay your way also.

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Originally posted by bambee
I feel rather uncomfortable about people changing flags. Do others consider it cheating or just a bit of fun.

I'm against it

I feel rather uncomfortable about people patriotically waving flags. Do others consider it a bonding experience or just a bit of fun.

I'm against it


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Originally posted by slimjim
Why don't you go a step farther in your protest and move there. I'll help you pack and pay the toll to cross the Ambassador Bridge.
Canada is cold and gloomy. Besides, I like the U.S. And someone needs to help keep the mindlessly patriotic people in check. Patriotism shouldn't be blind.

Not that you were talking to me.

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Originally posted by rwingett
Cheating? What does it matter what flag you choose to use? I switched to the Canadian flag out of utter disgust at the direction my country is taking under Ayatollah Bush. For me it is a form of political protest.
So why use any flag, why not be flagless?


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Originally posted by flexmore
I feel rather uncomfortable about people patriotically waving flags. Do others consider it a bonding experience or just a bit of fun.

I'm against it

Strictly a patriotic love of country...nothing phony or funny about it...cheers....😉

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
Canada is cold and gloomy. Besides, I like the U.S. And someone needs to help keep the mindlessly patriotic people in check. Patriotism shouldn't be blind.

Not that you were talking to me.
Don't forget about the 'mindlessly' liberal, atheistic, and unpatriotic bunch...two sides to every issue...😉

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Recently I've been changing my flag to include my countries of (genetic) origin, beginning with Ireland and now on Germany. Before, I had Canada because I am sometimes taken for Canadian at uni, and Brunei because that flag is badass.

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Originally posted by bambee
I feel rather uncomfortable about people changing flags. Do others consider it cheating or just a bit of fun.

I'm against it

I definitely think it's cheating. I can't tell you how many times I've been foiled by the taboo "look-at-my-flag-it's-not-where-i'm-from" ruse. I fall for it nearly everytime. One minute, I'm noticing my opponent's flag isn't kosher. The next minute, he's got me in a hopeless position with mate looming on the horizon. I think Russ should drag these cheaters through the forum so that I can tear a strip right off their spineless backs.

I'm glad someone had the cajones to bring this subject up. Kudos.

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