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Georgia actively killing democracy

Georgia actively killing democracy


3 edits

Don't know how much media covered this but in Georgia they passed a law which will be signed by the governor so they can throw out ANY district attorney they don't like SPECIFICALLY to protect Trump from the coming indictments.
I hope their state DA knows what is going on and indicts Trump before this anti democracy law goes into effect.

Tell me if anyone here thinks we should NOT have an independent DOJ?

That is the first thing to go and it is being attempted in Israel, Natenyahoo trying to take over justice, the first act of despots around the world, kill justice then kill anything else getting in the way of a dictatorship.

All you zombies out there probably would not even believe they would do that in Georgia, must be totally misconstrued bla bla bla but it is reality RIGHT NOW, the gov is going to sign it tomorrow or maybe even tonite.

Hey zombies, you ok with killing our independent justice system ANYWHERE in the US?
Or is that your real goal in the first place, the first major step to a dictatorship and I assume if you want that you would also want Trump to be the dictator so we won't have that pesky vote thing mucking up the rise of white power and Christian nationalism where they want to convert the US to a Christian style Iranian government.
I assume you are ALL way ok with the end of democracy here and I guess Average will go 'Define democracy' which is just another dodge following the orders given by the would be and I that EXACTLY, the orders of the would be dictator Trump.

Oh, I forgot, Trump is old news and out of the equation.

Doesn't look like to me. It looks like the first step among many more now that Georgia has broke the ice on the idea of killing democracy, no doubt other zombie states will follow suit, the states where zombies control house, senate and governor, they will see a great thing going on in Georgia and will raise the flag of those demons to make it even more polarized than it is already which is their goal, they WANT maximum discord so they can say, see, we TOLD you about those WOKE dems who could NEVER really run a government and we KNOW how to govern.

Trump just said it at that pathetic small crowd he spewed out, I WILL BE YOUR JUSTICE. And I WILL BE YOUR RETRIBUTION.

You can bet your ass Trump knows ALL about the new Georgia law killing the justice department.

So are you zombies ok with Georgia stopping an independent justice department?

If in the back of your mind you hate democracy itself, I can image what you will say.

BTW, the 'excuse' for the law killing justice is THERE ARE BAD ONES OUT THERE WE NEED TO CONTROL.

When asked about whether this has anything to do with protecting Trump TOTAL DENIAL, NOTHING to do with Trump, we just want to get rid of the bad actors like that WITCH HUNT BITCH DA who is after the totally innocent Trump. And of course that would be the LAST thing they would say but that is EXACTLY what they are really after. PROTECT TRUMP at all cost even if that cost is the loss of democracy in Georgia and most likely followed by similar laws enacted in ALL the zombie states.

TRAITORS is what they are. HYPOCRITE is too weak a word to describe these cretins.


You have not even called out the FBI and the corporate news media for suppressing the hunter Biden laptop story. That is election meddling. The truth is that you are fine with election meddling as long as it gets a democrat in office.



I figured you would be the first with the what you think is distracting bla bla bla but take your Putin loving BS elsewhere. I KNOW you are not interested in a democracy so you are one of the zombies with nothing to help the real issues around us.


@sonhouse said
I figured you would be the first with the what you think is distracting bla bla bla but take your Putin loving BS elsewhere. I KNOW you are not interested in a democracy so you are one of the zombies with nothing to help the real issues around us.
In other words the FBI stealing democracy is fine. It is your side that did the stealing so nah nah nah nah nah. Right?



You are really GREAT at mouthing Trump. And of course your REAL mentor, Putin.
You don't even want to DISCUSS the idea of a STATE passing laws killing the justice system.
You want ONE thing and ONE thing only BECAUSE the Georgia law is what you really want and you want to see that in all 50 states.

And that would be because you HATE democracy itself and WANT us to be in a dictatorship.


@sonhouse said
Don't know how much media covered this but in Georgia they passed a law which will be signed by the governor so they can throw out ANY district attorney they don't like SPECIFICALLY to protect Trump from the coming indictments.
I hope their state DA knows what is going on and indicts Trump before this anti democracy law goes into effect.

Tell me if anyone here thinks we ...[text shortened]... zombie states.

TRAITORS is what they are. HYPOCRITE is too weak a word to describe these cretins.
Meanwhile a Rethuglican in the Florida legislature is proposing a law to require any blogger who dares talk about Florida politicians (including the governor) to register with the State.

Yeah. Freedumb.


@metal-brain said
You have not even called out the FBI and the corporate news media for suppressing the hunter Biden laptop story. That is election meddling. The truth is that you are fine with election meddling as long as it gets a democrat in office.

This is to Sonhouse....do you see the reference, the point made by MB, in he first sentence of his post, shown here? Do you ignore that great point, your hypocrisy in ignoring the Hunter Lap Top treatment ?
If you would please comment, since this is your thread, it well help settle down an otherwise confusing thread which cannot find its soul! Geez.

PS: I promise it will b a better answer if you omit the word Trump.


Stuffing Ballot boxes with fake votes is what kills Democracy.
Courtesy of your Democrat party.


Funny how you refuse to even DISCUSS the Georgia law but instead THINK you are actually distracting us with your usual brand of BULLSHYTE


THAT is what I am talking about NOTHING ELSE.

You apparently think that law is ok and what's the big deal.
But of COURSE you will not reply to THAT will you? Maybe yet another attempt at distraction by reiterating the Hunter story. BTW, I don't give a FUK what happens to Hunter so find someone ELSE in your distraction attempt, and not even an original one, you don't have an original bone in your body so all you can do is copy Mercury Brian. Smooth move exlax.

1 edit

@sonhouse [i]said[/]
Don't know how much media covered this but in Georgia they passed a law which will be signed by the governor so they can throw out ANY district attorney they don't like SPECIFICALLY to protect Trump from the coming indictments
Sonhouse, your opening para says "...signed by the governor so they can throw out ANY district attorney they don't like SPECIFICALLY to protect Trump..."
I often remark how you purport to know the WHY of everything that happens. Here, once again, you perfect your craft telling us your discovery of why they passed this law of which you speak. You don't know that, of course, so your opening para is fairy tale fodder.
"Bill Barr did so-and-so because....."
It would follow that we have to key off of that para and continue reading your 20 other paragraphs. That is a bit difficult. You might as well say the governor signed it because it was Tuesday.
So, I think MB might have been trying to help you put some meat in your post. Make them interesting. Anyway, for what it's worth, you could have said your entire post in 1 paragraph before it began to fizzle. And you are so sure of the WHY in this case you said 'specifically'. We don't know that. You don't know that. 😉 Just being helpful.
Hey, MB, Sonhouse is not a person to ask about hunter!

Edit: It would help if you begin your thread by highlighting the Ga law of which you speak. Not a person here has time to chase that stuff down.

2 edits

@sonhouse said
Don't know how much media covered this but in Georgia they passed a law which will be signed by the governor so they can throw out ANY district attorney they don't like SPECIFICALLY to protect Trump from the coming indictments.
I hope their state DA knows what is going on and indicts Trump before this anti democracy law goes into effect.

Tell me if anyone here thinks we ...[text shortened]... zombie states.

TRAITORS is what they are. HYPOCRITE is too weak a word to describe these cretins.
the only Georgia that has been in the news concerning democracy is the republic of Georgia, not the state of Georgia…





I would like to nominate Hoople to prepare a daily morning synopsis, and explanation, of the Sonhouse posts. Is there a second?


In other words, you could give a shyte less if Georgia is able to kill the independent justice department.

So you are just another zombie who WANTS Democracy to end.

If democracy actually ends here in the US, you will NOT like the results.

Did you hear your buddy Trump at that latest so called meeting?

"I will be your JUSTICE, I will be your RETRIBUTION"

Talking just like a would be dictator.

You ok with that?

BTW, OF COURSE there is no reference to protecting Trump, they used the excuse, we are only after bad actors among the DA's.
Which is utter BULLSHYTE. The whole REASON for this law is to kill the charges against Trump.
It doesn't matter a whit whether you actually believe it or not.

It is out of your hands since you don't have anything to do with Georgia.

The cat is out of the bag and I am just waiting for the REST of the zombie states to enact similar laws where they can kill the IDEA of an independent DOJ in those states.

I just hope the full implementation doesn't happen for a few months so that traitor Trump can get arrested and put in prison where he richly belongs.

I assume also you totally believe the BS puked by FUKKER CARLSON showing how 'peaceful' the Jan 6 attack actually was.

It just goes to show how humans are really STUPID and will believe ANYTHING some assswipe says because he has a TV show.

THAT is what allowed the start of organized religion like Christianity and Islam, both the biggest scam in 2000 years.


@sonhouse said
In other words, you could give a shyte less if Georgia is able to kill the independent justice department.

So you are just another zombie who WANTS Democracy to end.

If democracy actually ends here in the US, you will NOT like the results.

Did you hear your buddy Trump at that latest so called meeting?

"I will be your JUSTICE, I will be your RETRIBU ...[text shortened]... ed the start of organized religion like Christianity and Islam, both the biggest scam in 2000 years.
I'm not a resident of Georgia? You really DO purport to know stuff that you don't.

As to having a TV show, I don't believe what the girly man Don Lemon says just because he has a TV show, nor the boyly girl Rachel Maddow, for that matter. However, if you had a TV show, I would turn down the volume a tad and absorb all of our thoughts!!!

Just a thought, your posts seem to be a mite personal, have you got anything we can jaw about?

1 edit

@sonhouse said
Funny how you refuse to even DISCUSS the Georgia law but instead THINK you are actually distracting us with your usual brand of BULLSHYTE


THAT is what I am talking about NOTHING ELSE.

You apparently think that law is ok and what's the big deal.
But of C ...[text shortened]... don't have an original bone in your body so all you can do is copy Mercury Brian. Smooth move exlax.
Did you mention killing democracy. I looked up democracy, It says 'a concept of a group of people who have free speech amongst themselves".
Sonhouse,, your Democratic (a derivation of 'democracy'😉 )leader of the Democrats has asked FOX news to cancel the Tucker Carlson show.
Why are you writing all of your Forum mates, shouldn't you write Schumer?

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