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Greatest movie of all time!

Greatest movie of all time!


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Farenheit 9/11 (the greatest movie of all time) has now raked in $94 million and is still playing in 2,000 theaters nationwide. Despite Republican allegations that Moore was merely playing to the choir, the movie is clearly being seen by a whole spectrum of moviegoers outside of the hardcore bleeding heart liberals. Except for the right wing nut jobs in this country, the whole world hates Bush. His days are numbered.

For his next project, I hear Moore is taking on HMOs and the pharmaceutical complanies. Give 'em hell, Michael!

Micheal Moore for President in 2008!

Tar and feathers for all Republicans!

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Originally posted by rwingett
[b]Farenheit 9/11 (the greatest movie of all time) has now raked in $94 million and is still playing in 2,000 theaters nationwide. Despite Republican allegations that Moore was merely playing to the choir, the movie is clearly being seen by a whole spectrum of moviegoers outside of the hardcore bleeding heart liberals. Except for the right wing nut jobs in this country, the whole world hates Bush. His days are numbered.

For his next project, I hear Moore is taking on HMOs and the pharmaceutical complanies. Give 'em hell, Michael!

Micheal Moore for President in 2008!

Tar and feathers for all Republicans![/b]

Indeed a very amusing film maker Mr Moorer is. Hehe my fav part was the coalition and "the republic of NOOORWAAAY"

Whists on the face, a pretty damning movie against Bush, Mr Moorer does not care to deliver open documentaries, instead it is left wing propaganda from start to finish. Unfortunitely, that is precisely what the ignorant mass will soak up.

Put a camera on any person for one year and you surely will have sufficient footage to make that person come across as a right bastard.

PS: The woman who lost her son in that war. What the hell did she think her son was doing with a freaking rifle in Iraq ? Did she cry for him when he was shooting Iraqi's ? No. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Other than that , a pretty amusing film.

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Originally posted by rwingett
[b]Farenheit 9/11 (the greatest movie of all time) has now raked in $94 million and is still playing in 2,000 theaters nationwide. Despite Republican allegations that Moore was merely playing to the choir, the movie is clearly being seen by a whole spectrum of moviegoers outside of the hardcore bleeding heart liberals. Except for the right wing nut jobs ...[text shortened]... hell, Michael!

Micheal Moore for President in 2008!

Tar and feathers for all Republicans![/b]
You like it because it is a violent film

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Originally posted by RBHILL
You like it because it is a violent film
Did you like The Passion of Christ? That was the most violent film of all time.

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Originally posted by RBHILL
You like it because it is a violent film

No RB, I think many of Mr Moore's views and opinions just happen to agree very much with Rwingett. Both despise Christianity, both hate Republicans, both Tigers fans ...

Indeed the film was a good watch, even if I don't agree with any of his opinions.

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must agree I am a right wing nut and I thought the movie had alot of valid points. hard to dispute

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Originally posted by pcaspian
Originally posted by RBHILL
[b]You like it because it is a violent film

No RB, I think many of Mr Moore's views and opinions just happen to agree very much with Rwingett. Both despise Christianity, both hate Republicans, both Tigers fans ...

Indeed the film was a good watch, even if I don't agree with any of his opinions.
Where do you come off thinking that Michael Moore despises christianity? Bill Maher regularly bashes religion, but I don't think Moore has ever touched that one. Is it because you see christianity and the Republican Party as being synonymous?

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Michael Moore is really rush limbauh in drag. I wonder how much of the proceeds will go to help the people of the tradgedies?
Anybody have a number on that?
He has problems with the rich and powerfull because he is not as rich and powerfull enough. He fills his greed on the backs of other people and thier misery.

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the same hold true I think with people and the way they dress for instance. If a man is wairing a god bless america hat he is assumed to be republican...why is this like this. patriotism should have nothing to do with political party. And the point I don't like is when people from either party judge a movie or book or point of view without seeing it. or reading it. The republicans are bashing 9/11 many havent seen it. Many liberals bash rush limbaugh many dont listen to him. All I am saying is listen to what the other side has to say before poking your opinion into the mix

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Originally posted by deathbypawn
people from either party judge a movie or book or point of view without seeing it. or reading it.
That what I just did. Just trying to see if I could push wringo over the edge.
I plan to see it this weekend.
I have heard they did a real number on one of our congressmen.

I will be back with a legitamate opinion next time....


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Sorry rwingett.🙂

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Originally posted by rapalla7
Sorry rwingett.🙂
I was thinking about letting you win a game next time we played, but not anymore! 😛

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The thing I liked best about this film was the "coalition of the willing"

Not once did he mention Britain! Such a subtle and, yet ultimately, hurtful snub to Tony "I'm a poodle" Blair.

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rwingett, just so long as you understand that there is tenuous adherence to facts in Moore's film. It has been largely discredited by most reviewers and anyone that has followed up on some of his assertions (Roger Ebert not withstanding, but then he prefaces his review with the statement that his political beliefs are in line with Moores).

But then Moore has never let facts stand in the way of his message, he is not alone in that regard of course.

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Originally posted by gregoftheweb
rwingett, just so long as you understand that there is tenuous adherence to facts in Moore's film. It has been largely discredited by most reviewers and anyone that has followed up on some of his assertions (Roger Ebert not withstanding, but then he prefaces his review with the statement that his political beliefs are in line with Moores).

But then ...[text shortened]... e has never let facts stand in the way of his message, he is not alone in that regard of course.
But for rwingett, he believes that Moore's film is the greatest because he has faith. (I use the term faith in the sense that rwingett does.) He does not let the facts get in his way either. 😉

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