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Iran Decision

Iran Decision


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A while back I told the people on RHP that I would ask you "In Advance of The Event" to decide if allowing Iran to have nukes should be allowed to happen.

So now is the time.

Before the "universe" decides, you decide.

It's painful. I know. But before the fact. What do you decide? Yes or no? Those are the only two options that the universe offers, so choose which one you support. A reason as to why you choose yes or no would be appreciated.

I will tell you my decision later. It might even be amusing to ask you to "guess" SVW's answer to this thread.

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The thing is, folks --

If you don't decide, you are not making a contribution to whether the universe "does it or not".

How do you think the "universe" decides? Does it have a mind? Which choice will be made? Yes. Nukes for Iran. No. No Nukes for Iran.

Do you think it is magic?

It is not. People must decide. So decide. It ain't that tough. Just step right up and do it. Declare one way or the other. That is what the universe will respond to. Believe it or not.

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I think the U.S. should invade all countries with nulear weapons, which means they will be busy.....

South Africa
North Korea

and to make sure they are safe, they should finish with the furthest away, and start at home, by invading themselves.

It does seem that U.S. policy would have the perfect number of nuclear armed countries as 1, themselves, the only country to use them on people, twice.


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Oh! Excuse Me!

I seem to have trampled on superstitions again! Sorry. But the universe just wants a direction. By human "thought" is the wave broken. By measurement of the quantum condition. It ain't me folks! It's the universe. You decide. All I do is ask the question. <snark>

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Originally posted by zesty
I think the U.S. should invade all countries with nulear weapons, which means they will be busy.....

South Africa
North Korea

and to make sure they are safe, they should fini ...[text shortened]... 1, themselves, the only country to use them on people, twice.


That will take a bit of practice. Let's see. UK. No problem. They are rational.

France. Who wants it? A bunch of dried out, sad people with nothing to work for.

Russia. Just a mob. Call the cops, not me.

China. Hmmmm... If they quit killing people for no reason, they rule the earth. I will then learn Chinese and volunteer to be sent into space on a mighty red rocket.

India. Never has so little been done by so many so that the idea of "surrender" could be so much. <edit> I rather like this one. Another famous old saying I just made up. Take that Winston! You pig! <snark>

Pakistan. One assasination away from "Good Bye New York!" Like I care. The world is a better place.

Irsael. God knows. <snark>

South Africa. Hmmm... did all the right things and is suffering now. I don't know. I wanted an end to apartheid, but not the instigation of commie rule. Can't the damned universe work a good deal on occasion? Apparently not.

US. Ok. We rule. That's the chimp way of it. So? Should it not be as it is?

North Korea... Well. One little tiny weiner of a man can hold millions of slaves. Much to the embarrassment of the world. Do you know how easy it would be to march in and liberate those poor souls if the world decided that slavery was wrong? Very easy. One day.

Do you know why the "world" will never decide to liberate the poor souls who are slaves in North Korea? Because we are just chimps. We need the "enemy" or we must admit that our base nature is wrong. Guess which we are going to sacrifice. We will give over the millions every time to be killed and maimed and tortured. What a proud species we are! Worthies of the Torch of Truth! Proud of what we can foist onto the innocent.

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The really sad part to this entire endevour is that people are just setting on the sidelines now. Not daring to choose. Waiting for the winning chimp. Or in the case of RHP... for the winning chimp to become a target. Everyone wants to be an expert chimp. Nobody wants to declare up front why they should be considered an expert chimp.

Except me.

I should be considered an expert chimp because I dare to choose. Every time I dare to choose. Before the events, I dare to choose.

That makes me a chimp that can laugh at all the other chimps on RHP with justified backing.

You are all just waiting to see how it turns out. Then you will suddenly become experts on "history" as it "might have been".

Silly. Come on. Speak up.

Yes or No.

It ain't that tough. Hell, Where is one brave chimp when you need one?

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Still awaiting all you intellectual genius' who know the absolute mind of the universe.

Anyone? A single point of view? A single daring soul?

I wonder why there are no takers.

I know. Because you are all just "good chimps". Wanting to be the chief but not willing to be blooded. Snark. Silly little chimps.

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Where is old "thousand" and that lot?

Don't they have a single collecive thought amongst them?

Come on old "thousand". Post a yes or no. If you dare. Your're only young once. Go for it.

Or... don't let a perfectly chicken shit existence be messed up by a single act of bravery.

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Let me guess.

Old "thousanddeadbabies" is going to wait and choose later. When it is safe to choose?

That sounds about right.

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This ain't that tough. Just say if Iran should be allowed to have nukes or not. Next week will be too late. Then it is a done deal.


Now. Or forever hold your piece on the matter.

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
A while back I told the people on RHP that I would ask you "In Advance of The Event" to decide if allowing Iran to have nukes should be allowed to happen.

So now is the time.

Before the "universe" decides, you decide.

It's painful. I know. But before the fact. What do you decide? Yes or no? Those are the only two options that the universe ...[text shortened]... y decision later. It might even be amusing to ask you to "guess" SVW's answer to this thread.
If the Americans, British, French, Chinese. Russians, Indians. Pakistanis, Norh Koreans and Isrealis can have them, why not the Iranians?

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I give up.

I told you I would tell you my decision.

Here it is.

My daughter-in-law is from Iran.

I asked her to tell me what our family opinion is.

She didn't reply so I asked her dad.

He said that if we interfere, we will help the bad guys.

So, my opionion is that of my family. We should let them have the bomb.

What the hell. All they will do is kill themselves when they attack Israel.

Come on now. Anybody see this as my reply? Anyone?

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Originally posted by steerpike
If the Americans, British, French, Chinese. Russians, Indians. Pakistanis, Norh Koreans and Isrealis can have them, why not the Iranians?
I don't know. Truly. Except that none of the others have "vowed" to destroy Israel with a nuke. Iran has. But see my family position below.(errrr.... above) I agree with it. Because?

My family left there in 1981. To survive. Who am I to piss into that wind?

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Originally posted by StarValleyWy
I don't know. Truly. Except that none of the others have "vowed" to destroy Israel with a nuke. Iran has. But see my family position below.(errrr.... above) I agree with it. Because?

My family left there in 1981. To survive. Who am I to piss into that wind?
I see your point, but by letting them have nukes, and allowing them to break UN resoulutions. were showing them that we dont mean bussiness, and were as weak as the UN. I wonder what the UN would do if US backs totaly away. and we say that they can have nukes.

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