Originally posted by normbenignThis is a typically bizarrely ignorant right wing viewpoint. In fact, numerous studies have shown that even a small rise in income from a job is highly preferable to people than welfare payments:
That has always been the case with welfare payments. The problem is that whatever the level of subsidies, for the recipient, a paying job is seen only in its difference between welfare and work. If he receives benefits of $75K, using your number, he tends to view a $100k job as working 40 hours a week for just $25k. (Use whatever you think the real numb ks at all, it will be "under the table" so he doesn't lose whatever benefits he has accrued.
In general, when the parent in a family that had been relying solely on public assistance begins working part time at minimum wage, the family faces low effective marginal tax rates, and the family’s net income grows significantly.