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New Horizons

New Horizons



It is sometimes easy to get depressed about our species; looking around on this mud ball there is plenty of killing, oppression and other ills.

But then there is something like this: http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/14/us/nasa-new-horizons-pluto-flyby/index.html

It is astonishing to consider that a man made device is flying to the further reaches of the solar system and sending back pictures of the ex-planet Pluto. With all our faults and limitations, the human race can still do amazing things.

Now if National Gird could be made to understand that there really is an Old South Pearl Street besides Pearl Street so they could turn the power on in my new house .........................................

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That's amazing.

How was this photo taken? Isn't it too dark where Pluto is in order to get a good shot?


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Oh, shut up. No Nazis using slave labor were involved in the New Horizons project as far as I'm aware.

Genghis Khan killed a lot of people; that's about as relevant to the OP as your post.

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The point is, and well made, that you tend to hijack almost every thread you post to, without adding anything of value.


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There are plenty of other threads where you are free to rail against what Nazis or the US government did more than half a century ago.

I was hoping this thread could be an uplifting oasis. More and better pictures of Pluto are due in later tonight or early tomorrow. I'm anxious to see them no matter what happened at Mittelbau-Dora before I was born.



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Thanks for the information.

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Where is your evidence for that? I never heard such a thing before. It is true that the U.S. and Russia hired some of the German scientist and engineers, but I had never heard they were involved in torturing anyone in the concentration camps.

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Originally posted by RJHinds
Where is your evidence for that? I never heard such a thing before. It is true that the U.S. and Russia hired some of the German scientist and engineers, but I had never heard they were involved in torturing anyone in the concentration camps.
Thanks a lot, dimwit.


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Thanks for sharing that information in a thread devoted to the New Horizons mission to Pluto.

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Yes I admit that I am ignorant of this information, but apparently from your referenced article, neither the USA or Germany ever prosecuted and found him guilty of war crimes. So I say innocent until proven guilty.

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