Only to ASSSWIPES like you. REAL people who were in the know TOLD that assswipe Trump in JANUARY C19 was deadly, and was airborn. He KNEW that in January and said so BRIEFLY on TV. Since then it has been SOON IT WILL BE DOWN TO ZERO CASES, and Choloroine is a CURE! And maybe you can inject bleach.
How in the HELL can you be SO blind as to not notice the FACT JACK that Trump said I am not responsible, when he was 100% responsible.
If he had taken action in January or even February, LITERALLY THOUSANDS of lives would have been saved.
Instead he pitted state against state, he SAID "We (meaning fed government) are not the sales clerk to the country". THAT IS A QUOTE.
He should have started a Manhattan size project where he did a federal coordination of PPE, issuing executive orders having companies making PPE, ventilators and such but he was too flipping incompetent and lazy to take a leadership role. Instead he farted around for MONTHS playing down the virus, it will all be over soon ON IT'S OWN. If you don't remember any of that, you better take your memory meds. I remember ALL of it.
Then like in what, SEPTEMBER? he goes, we are starting Operation Warp Speed, to get the virus, and that went into the background when he got that clown Atlas who convinced him to do nothing and the virus will give us 'herd immunity' but if you remember, which I doubt, Trump actually said doing nothing will give us 'Herd MENTALITY".
Do you remember THAT gaff?
Then he made a HUGE deal out of buying 1.7 Billion dollars worth of C19 vaccines but that ends up only enough for 50 million people, 100 million doses, and you need 2 doses per person.
So Trump was so stupid he actually thought he would be giving the vaccine to a hundred million people, and so refused to buy into an offer by Pfizer to sell 3 times that amount but Trump refused since ALL he thinks about is MONEY MONEY MONEY.
So they just sold the vaccine to other countries around the world and now we are sucking hind tit, WAY behind schedule to get enough vaccine for everyone, it will be late next year before there will be enough for the US.
100% ALSO due to the incompetence of Trump.
It just shows how little Trump cares for the average citizen and why you ultrarightwingnuts continue to think this disaster POTUS is the best POTUS EVER is beyond me.
But of course you will only read the first sentence and make a huge concluding remark such as 'YEAH, what about HILLARY, she should be in JAIL.
PATHETIC is what it really is that you and 70 million other white nationalists are totally blinded by the OBVIOUS corruption of your god king.
For instance, it is TOTALLY illegal to try to swing a vote ESPECIALLY after the votes have been counted but there was Trump AND Lindsey Graham Cracker LITERALLY pressuring governors and secretary of states in a number of states to just reverse the vote so Trump could claim a bogus win, something he called a COUP when he was impeached but now it is another COUP that all those MILLIONS of fake ballots were what got Biden the win, ALL FRAUDULENT, conveniently forgetting how many REPUBLICANS actually won, which doesn't matter in the slightest because Trump lost from all those DEAD people and CANADIANS and MEXICANS who illegally voted.
Funny how we have had 220 odd years of election and voter fraud was NEVER an issue till it was Trump's turn to face YOU'RE FIRED.
THAT he can't take. EVER.
NOBODY tells Trump he is a loser and gets away with it.
His ONLY tactic is to say 'the courts are run in secret state by democrats-' and whatever OTHER anti democracy rants he comes up with.
Too bad you backed such an OBVIOUS loser.
I bet you didn't even read into sentence TWO did you? You don't want to hear ANYTHING like truth about this would be dictator.
You for instance will find Trump's firing of the upper leaders of the Pentagon and putting in yes men, I bet you would not even be able to come up with a rational for THAT bit of incompetence can you?
And BTW, you gave away your age so YOU are a grampa too, unless no woman would want to be anywhere near your proud boy ass.
What caused the virus, well I am SURE you know exactly how it came about, MAN MADE IN A CHINESE LAB AS A WEAPON, RIGHT?
Since you are so blind you could never accept the proven scientific fact it came from nature just like a dozen before it.
Coronaviruses have been around for hundreds of years, do you think China or any other country in the world could have engineers such a virus 200 years ago?
Well considering the pathetic state of your so-called mind I can see you thinking YES THEY COULD, even 200 years ago.
Of course you don't know that the Chinese were the first one to do a complete DNA analysis and broadcast it to the world back in JANUARY.
Which kind of blows the 'weaponized virus' deal to hell and gone.
Of course you wouldn't believe any of THAT either but that is YOUR problem not ours.
Your kind of so-called mind ALWAYS blames ANYONE else but US as the problem, it HAD to be China's fault. Of course their culture of eating bats and snakes made the virus possible but it was a natural mutation not coming out of a lab to you can be satisfied that even if you conclude it did NOT come from a lab, you can be safe in your assertion it was China's fault.
So tell me, whose fault was it about the Spanish Flu in 1919? Did THAT one come from a lab?
You really need to get out more. Having your head stuck in a bar sucking beer just keeps you happy and without a brain. It is a FACT JACK the Chinese cracked the DNA code AND broadcasted it to the world in JANUARY.
Yep, those MONTROUS Chinese, cleverly giving us the DNA code for that lab made virus just so they can gloat and tell themselves how smart they were to have made such a deadly disease as a weapon.
Go on, keep your head in the sand, it is a LOT quieter there.
I do see you have extreme problems writing more than a couple of sentences at a go.
I guess composition was not a big deal in your school, assuming you actually WENT to school.
Actually, my wife has an IQ well above Mensa level and mine is not that far behind and our daughter Darcy had an IQ of 170, the jewel of our family and NOBODY in our family has an IQ lower than 120 or so.
We seem to have won the brain lottery, and it is really weird that normally when parents say both have IQ's of 180, the usual lot is for the parents to be somewhat disappointed in the children who usually cannot measure up to the brains of the parents. Some major exceptions are the Polgar family, where the parents WERE genius level but the kids were WOW, Judith being the strongest female chess player EVER and would probably wipe up the present female bunch if she was at her peak which put her at around #10 in the world back in the day.
Anyway, we lucked out and I don't know why, ALL of our kids and grandkids are gifted and statistically that is an anomaly.
Yeah, that article way before the pandemic. YOU IDIOT. The Chinese KNEW it was going to go world wide and warned them about it in January AND THAT IS WHEN TRUMP was also told it was deadly AND airborn.
OF COURSE IT WAS BEFORE THE PANDEMIC because it had not yet had a chance to get around the planet.
Jesus, when did you THINK an article like that would have come out?
It came out because China KNEW it was dangerous and warned the world.
Of course the idiot right wingers around the world ignored it and downplayed it like ANY dictator would do but of course THAT is also fake news, right?
Not even China knew about the virus in January.
(They didn't know the cause)
To say it's Trump's fault is easy for a white liberal.
Yes I get it.
You're too scared to blame another race.
You fear being called a racist.
It's not your fault you're a coward.