Yep, you MUST have a Phd to know China did not know about the virus in January, so that news clip was FAKE, right, that is the only way you can salve your self apparent superiority over ANYONE not white.
BTW, there are ONLY humans, we can ALL breed with ANY other human.
THAT makes us ONE race with inherited differences but that means we are all one species since we can reproduce from any 'race' to any other.
Of course that won't stop racists like you saying NO WAY AM I LIKE THOSE SUB HUMAN BLACKS AND ESPECIALLY CHINESE.
Why don't you read THIS piece from last May about where and when C19 came about.
Hint: It did NOT come from a Chinese weapons lab.
Bats happen to be carriers and the coronavirus has evolved and is evolving as we speak with dozens of mutations as we speak and that family of viruses will be with us a THOUSAND years from now because they evolve in different ways to infect mammals and we are mammals just like bats so we will ALWAYS be susceptible to the next version of the same virus.
It has been with us for THOUSANDS of years and will be with us a thousand years from now.
The only thing that will defeat those mutations is the growth of science and technology enabling faster and faster responses making newer vaccines.
Maybe a thousand years from now we will have learned so much that we can stop ANY virus killing humans but we are for sure not there yet and we won't be there anytime in the 21st century. Medicine and science in general is still in kindergarten and grade school.
Each century we may advance one more grade so by that measure a thousand years from now we may get out of high school and reach a high level of tech that nobody gets sick and everyone lives to be 300.
Don't hold your breath, however.
Our adopted kids are doing fine BTW.
I compose tunes on guitar, mandolin and keyboards and have 125 tracks now on Soundcloud, mostly my own compositions but a lot of traditional folk tunes also.
I played in several bands, one of which got national TV coverage, but I guess you would figure that to be fake news and just lying too.
However, I have the video of our national coverage but you would not be interested in anything I have done.
You still don't get it. You can't understand the connection between the FACT Trump knew the virus was deadly and airborn IN JANUARY but did NOTHING. I mean WORSE than nothing, totally downplaying it even though he KNEW it was deadly.
Yep, it will soon go down to 3, 2, 1 and then ZERO cases.
But of course you figure he was just kidding.
He also said "I am not responsible' which is true as to the cause and spread of C19.
But his banning flights from China early on was a BUST.
And that would be because the virus didn't take hold in a big way BECAUSE THE BIG BANG CAME FROM EUROPE. Or did you not notice it was New York City bearing the brunt of the original peak? That was because the virus had already gone around the world but in the opposite direction and the infection in NYC was due to thousands of visitors coming to JFK from EUROPE.
But of course in your mind it came from a Chinese weapon lab and nothing anyone can say would EVER convince you otherwise.
The virus spreads no matter what.
We've seen that.
Lockdown didn't help.
Lockdown 2 isn't helping.
People are just losing business and houses.
Blaming Trump is a scapegoat.
Even if Trump said "oh my god hide in your basement!"
The virus is still out there and always would be.
It just waits until you come out.
No, Trump IS to blame for not taking charge in FEBRUARY and starting a national response, instead he did NOTHING and worse than that pitted state against state or do you not remember him saying 'we are not the sales clerks to the country'?
Is your head so firmly up your ass you don't actually remember what went on for the past 10 months?
Are you trying to say Trump never said 'soon there will be ZERO cases of C19?
Are you trying to deny Trump ALWAYS downplayed the virus, saying 'I didn't want to cause panic' UNQOUTE?
It is the JOB of a president to tell it like it is, not bury it in a bunch of nonsense like ingest bleach or the other one, Chloroquine is the CURE.. I guess you don't remember THAT either.
HUNDREDS of thousands of deaths are 100% on the hands of Trump.
If he had stared a national response like Biden is doing as we speak, LITERALLY hundreds of thousands of us would still be alive. Ah, FAKE NEWS, right?
@cheesemaster saidOh please!
Not Trumps fault.
It's retarded Americans fault.
trump did nothing but dribble, lie, deny and lead by bad example.
@cheesemaster saidMasks are a minor measure to stop spreading at close distances in closed areas.
The virus spreads no matter what.
We've seen that.
Lockdown didn't help.
Lockdown 2 isn't helping.
People are just losing business and houses.
Blaming Trump is a scapegoat.
Even if Trump said "oh my god hide in your basement!"
The virus is still out there and always would be.
It just waits until you come out.
And when you’ve got a major pandemic, every little helps.
The way trump managed to politicize mask wearing is bizarre. But everything is mad in the US.
And your coming civil strife isn’t going to make matters any better either.
If EVERYBODY stays in doors for 2 months, the virus would be over. But oh no... personal freedom!! Liberty!! And 3000 dead a day.
The post that was quoted here has been removedExactly.
Although, obviously, measures to the extent which were taken in China would not have been acceptable in the US or Europe.
At the time they could have been useful.
I somehow do think, though, that when the next pandemic comes, those very measures may well be more acceptable to a vast majority.
This dragged out lockdown business is a bit of a buzz kill.
Well I for one appreciate their heroic effort.
It is because of Trump the virus was politized, don't wear masks, hey, go to church and mosques and synagogues and have a GREAT Christmas with all your friends at a wonderful party.
We can castigate Trump and we have but the problems in the US go way deeper than Trump, he was the catalyst for the massive divisions simmering under the surface for decades if not centuries.
I don't know if the US can ever get back together again and the two political parties work out differences which is what politics is SUPPOSED to be all about instead of this sedition of the republicans and this latest stunt of over a hundred house republicans and 18 odd state attorney's general trying the coup attempt, a REAL attempt to subvert our actual democracy and try to slide us into a full on autocracy.
A shameful day in the US for even the ATTEMPT, failed though it did.
I agree with some pundits, those house republicans should be summarily kicked out of office for the reason they blew away any pretense of loyalty to the US constitution but instead pushed for a move totally away from actual democracy and try to win out by all the tricks in their pathetic book of tactics.
It is clear they NEVER expected to win.
The whole thing had one motive:
MONEY, LOTS OF MONEY, so far near a quarter BILLION sent in by Trumpites in all their 5 and 10 dollar donations and I doubt a single one of those donors realized what the republicans really wanted, a REAL coup, KILL democracy.
But what is ahead is going to be very painful and I have no doubt there will be more killings and not from C19.
This time in the US is going to be talked about a hundred years from now, the arrival of a vaccine at the same time SCOTUS soundly defeated by not even allowing the argument to ENTER SCOTUS, is a day of relief from the utter madness of Trump world.
We can for sure see Trump going on a rampage of pardons now that he has to finally know no matter what his bluster tried to accomplish, he is a loser and lost by seven million votes in a fair election that republicans just didn't believe and did their best to subvert.
We dodged a huge bullet of autocracy and now have to get to the healing part where the two parties HAVE to start working together or there won't BE two parties anymore, just democrats and a bunch of screaming meemies on soap boxes throwing temper tantrums over the fact that we still in fact seem to actually have a democracy.
The price of democratic governance is vigilance, that was said 200 years ago and has to be heeded today and the next century too.
The US does have promise but we have to stop this infighting and agree we are in fact the UNITED states of America not the untied states of America.