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Police-hating lib politicians seek police protection!!!!  Haha

Police-hating lib politicians seek police protection!!!! Haha





You get more fringe by the hour. Tell me how the NY trial of your god is going, way too corrupt, right?


@averagejoe1 said
The Daily Liar have you got any other satirical daily’s Joe
Anyway isn’t it you guys who hate law enforcement on account of your career criminal cult leader


@averagejoe1 said
Errr, it's you cultist right wingers talking about a two tiered justice system.


Joe - will you call for these 300 peaceful tourists arrested at combia to be released, since they are political prisoners?


@wildgrass said
Joe - will you call for these 300 peaceful tourists arrested at combia to be released, since they are political prisoners?
I haven’t seen anything on that, but I will tell you this… If I walked around anywhere near that campus, I would expect to be arrested. There are only people protesting as instructed by Soros, and idiot Conservatives like myself who should get the hell out of there.
do you think it is fair that the protesters are impeding traffic and possibly causing a nuisance for all of the law abiding citizens working and living around them?
a simple question, which will go right over the head of screaming meemies such as ourselves.


i am curious who ever said "abolish police"

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@zahlanzi said
i am curious who ever said "abolish police"
She did. She jumps the shark a bit.


Of course, it would be wonderful if we did NOT need a police force - how great would that be? If no one ever violated anyone else's rights and was always reasonable in resolving their differences, that would be perfect and we wouldn't need police at all.

I think it is an aspirational goal that NYC is unlikely to meet any time soon.

What Hanif alleges (and could well be correct about) is that the 'prison-industrial complex' is actually doing harm, and in many cases more harm than good. She argues for re-directing funding to community-based solutions that address the root causes of crime.

Do that effectively and perhaps one would see the police, if not abolished, then at least greatly reduced.


@spruce112358 said
She did. She jumps the shark a bit.


Of course, it would be wonderful if we did NOT need a police force - how great would that be? If no one ever violated anyone else's rights and was always reasonable in resolving their differences, that would be perfect and we wouldn't need police at all.

I think it is an aspirational goal t ...[text shortened]... t effectively and perhaps one would see the police, if not abolished, then at least greatly reduced.


@spruce112358 said
She did. She jumps the shark a bit.


Of course, it would be wonderful if we did NOT need a police force - how great would that be? If no one ever violated anyone else's rights and was always reasonable in resolving their differences, that would be perfect and we wouldn't need police at all.

I think it is an aspirational goal t ...[text shortened]... t effectively and perhaps one would see the police, if not abolished, then at least greatly reduced.
oh i don't click on garbage links from members of the club. the fraternity of the moronic.

yes, there are plenty of weirdos saying dumb things and these losers take that to paint all who call for defunding the police with the same brush. Old tactic.

Defunding the police means not spending money on gear that would be adequate to invade a country. It means spending more money on training. It means increasing budgets on social workers and psychologists, so that police officers don't shoot deranged individuals that just had a bad day or be called to domestic altercations.

This person should fire her campaign manager because they are an idiot as is she for listening. It's hard enough having to explain what i wrote in the previous paragraph to morons who think defund means abolish.


@wildgrass said
Joe - will you call for these 300 peaceful tourists arrested at combia to be released, since they are political prisoners?
Arrest someone if they break the law. Reasons are quite irrelevant . “Why “ is always irrelevant. If I jaywalk or rob somebody, why is irrelevant. What are you getting at?


Reading comprehension issues again. Figure it out.


@sonhouse said
Reading comprehension issues again. Figure it out.
I said to arrest them if they break the law.
I said that the ‘why’……being political prisoners……is irrelevant. Who cares?
Comprehension is my middle name.

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How can Sonhouse disparage a man for having ‘no comprehension’ when he himself does not have the wherewithal to use the quote button,
Pitiful. He is like debating with a caricature of his own twin. Yeah, I think I said that right, or not.

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@zahlanzi said
i am curious who ever said "abolish police"
Joe and mott they say it all the time

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