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Repub extremists playing right into Putin's hands.

Repub extremists playing right into Putin's hands.


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Blocking aid to Ukraine, you think that will stop the US being involved in a greater war when Putin takes over Ukraine, going on to attack Poland or some other NATO country while the US sits back idly doing nothing?
You think saving a few billion now is going to prevent us from defending NATO countries?
What exactly is going on in the minds of these republican extremists, Trump supporters, what, Trump wins and then Putin just folds up and withers away?
Yeah, saving a few billion now resulting in spending a few trillion down the line. Real forward thinking. Repub extremists, an oxymoron.

@sonhouse said
Blocking aid to Ukraine, you think that will stop the US being involved in a greater war when Putin takes over Ukraine, going on to attack Poland or some other NATO country while the US sits back idly doing nothing?
You think saving a few billion now is going to prevent us from defending NATO countries?
What exactly is going on in the minds of these republican extremists ...[text shortened]... ting in spending a few trillion down the line. Real forward thinking. Repub extremists, an oxymoron.
I think the idea is that trump and the heritage foundation et al destroy democracy in the US and allow Putin to destroy it in Europe
Hopefully the American people bin that whole cabal in November and Europe unites to put the Putin kleptocracy back in its medieval box

Putin is not going to attack a NATO or EU country.

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@shavixmir said
Putin is not going to attack a NATO or EU country.
Mmmmm not even the Baltic state's? He’s already put out an arrest order for one their presidents for removing statues of Russian heroes / occupiers
There was a time when many knew he wouldn’t perpetrate a full scale invasion of Ukraine. I very much doubt he’s scared of the EU and NATO could be a memory this time next year.
I hope your right though for the sake of Europe’s smaller peripheral states, I don’t see him taking on Poland

Putin is being helped by the shyte puked out by Trump, 'Do whatever the hell you want to' unquote. He might be thinking Trump wins in November and he can strike whatever country he wants to next even before November, thinking Trump is a shoe in.

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Lets hope you are right but he has already threatened to attack Poland, 'we won't be so nice to the people like our brothers in Ukraine' was one statement by one of Putin's Generals.
I also notice no response from the ultrarightwingnuts here. Should be coming shortly though. Telling us how great Putin is, how smart, and we should be allies with him, while we puke.

This bill is being tied up, in part, by the southern border funding. Don't act so ignorant, dems.

As far as I am concerned, when America's money and armament starts to get larger than Ukraine's contribution,
then it's time America holds Ukraine up as an example as to what happens to a nation unprepared for war.

You should check your OWN ignorance but I don't think it is actual ignorance, more like deliberate distraction. It was ONE person and one person only who stopped the bill and that was Trump telling his pet Squeaker of the house to kill it so he did, Trump says jump and Mikey says How high your magnifisence?

@sonhouse said
Putin is being helped by the shyte puked out by Trump, 'Do whatever the hell you want to' unquote. He might be thinking Trump wins in November and he can strike whatever country he wants to next even before November, thinking Trump is a shoe in.
It’s a mutual back scratching convention, or a threesome with fat boy Orban making up the numbers

@earl-of-trumps said
This bill is being tied up, in part, by the southern border funding. Don't act so ignorant, dems.

As far as I am concerned, when America's money and armament starts to get larger than Ukraine's contribution,
then it's time America holds Ukraine up as an example as to what happens to a nation unprepared for war.
Ukraine was as prepared as it could be for a country of its size and economic output.
It was a lot more prepared before Russia and the US colluded to trick them out of there nukes by ‘guaranteeing’ their security and territorial integrity.
It wasn’t the Kremlin they were putting their faith in.
Don’t trust a word the White House says is the lesson to be learned here I hope Taiwan is taking note because China surely will be.

@sonhouse said
Blocking aid to Ukraine, you think that will stop the US being involved in a greater war when Putin takes over Ukraine, going on to attack Poland or some other NATO country while the US sits back idly doing nothing?
You think saving a few billion now is going to prevent us from defending NATO countries?
What exactly is going on in the minds of these republican extremists ...[text shortened]... ting in spending a few trillion down the line. Real forward thinking. Repub extremists, an oxymoron.
relax, putin won't attack poland. He is still stuck in Ukraine and Russia's economy is gasping for air and this is only with western worlds providing arms and some aid.

What do you think will happen if the entire force of Nato is mobilized against him.

@zahlanzi said
relax, putin won't attack poland. He is still stuck in Ukraine and Russia's economy is gasping for air and this is only with western worlds providing arms and some aid.

What do you think will happen if the entire force of Nato is mobilized against him.
Maybe WW III

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So you figure the world is safer if Putin gets his way and rebuilds the Soviet empire, which he was a big part of when they were active. Give up Ukraine and whatever country he invades next. I guess that is ok with you ultrarightwingnuts.

@sonhouse said
So you figure the world is safer if Putin gets his way and rebuilds the Soviet empire, which he was a big part of when they were active. Give up Ukraine and whatever country he invades next. I guess that is ok with you ultrarightwingnuts.
I figure we're safer if we don't have WW III.

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@djj said
I figure we're safer if we don't have WW III.
Yeah because that attitude worked wonders in the 1930s, you do not avoid world war by placating and appeasing expansionist regimes, you do it by facing them down before it’s too late
Without the US guarantee of a nuclear umbrella Putin will think he can use his nuclear threat to just walk into central and Western Europe but they won’t have it and they have a nuclear deterrent of their own, much smaller, but it’s all relative.
A nuclear exchange between post nato Europe and Putin will not just decimate Europe and large parts of Russia because with nothing to lose Putin will make sure the U.S gets its share of warheads

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