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should somking become illegal in the usa and other countrys? (all types)

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Originally posted by swimmerboy032891
should somking become illegal in the usa and other countrys? (all types)
Was some King made illegal in the USA in 1776?

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Originally posted by KneverKnight
Was some King made illegal in the USA in 1776?
Is that a yes ????

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Originally posted by swimmerboy032891
should somking become illegal in the usa and other countrys? (all types)
No. Prohibiton will not work.
Incentives should be given to discourage smoking in public places.
Cigarettes should not be sold to those under 18.
Licensed smoking premises should be set up = like Amsterdam coffee shops.
Education about the dangers of smoking must be maintained.
Those who drop butts should be prosecuted for littering.
Smokers should be encouraged to give up.

I would like to see society move towards making smoking as socially unacceptable as drink driving.

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I enjoy smoking. It can improve the health of the psyche, and the physical dangers are sometimes a bit overstated.

A lot of bad science is deployed in the campaign against smoking; bad science also was used in the defense of the tobacco industry.

Certainly children should not smoke, and people should not take it up until they fully understand the risks. Also, addictive smoking differs greatly from recreational smoking. Many people cannot maintain the difference. For them the health risks are greater.

I usually avoid cigarettes--cigars and my pipe give me the full dose of better quality tobacco, and too much makes me ill enough that I stop. I'll go weeks without smoking. But I've also learned that if I'm sitting in my boat and the fishing is slow, lighting my pipe will often induce a feeding frenzy. It may be a sill superstition, but it works, just as the old "in like a lion out like a lamb" does a better job of predicting the weather in late March than the broadcast meterologists on the television.

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Originally posted by invigorate
No. Prohibiton will not work.
Incentives should be given to discourage smoking in public places.
Cigarettes should not be sold to those under 18.
Licensed smoking premises should be set up = like Amsterdam coffee shops.
Education about the dangers of smoking must be maintained.
Those who drop butts should be prosecuted for littering.
Smokers should ...[text shortened]... ould like to see society move towards making smoking as socially unacceptable as drink driving.
Just one point to add, the cost of nicotine replacement therapies should be capped. These companies are making huge profits from people trying to kick the habit. They may argue that it costs less than smoking itself but not if you smoke rolling tobacco like myself. It costs me £5 a week to smoke roll ups but would cost me £20 a week for nicorette inhalators. Patches are just as expensive and inflame my skin, and the gum tastes like sh**. That's a great incentive to give up. 😠

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
[b]I enjoy smoking. It can improve the health of the psyche, and the physical dangers are sometimes a bit overstated.

A lot of bad science is deployed in the campaign against smoking; bad science also was used in the defense of the tobacco industry.

Certainly children should not smoke, and people should not take it up until they fully understand the risks ...[text shortened]... eational smoking. Many people cannot maintain the difference. For them the health risks are greater.
As a nurse I don't think the dangers of smoking (heavy, long term) can be overstated. However having said that you are right that smokers can be catagorised into different amounts. As a smoker I would be the last person to tell people to quit, but I do try to get heavy smokers to cut down as much as possible.

To much of anything will kill you just as surely as to much smoking will.

It would be nigh on impossible for any country to ban smoking. To do this would require banning many other socially accepted things that cause just as many health problems as excessive smoking. For example alcohol or fatty fast food.

In short people who smoke should try to not smoke too much (how much is too much I hear you ask), they should exersize, and try to eat a decent diet (just like the non-smokers should).

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Originally posted by dags
As a nurse I don't think the dangers of smoking (heavy, long term) can be overstated. However having said that you are right that smokers can be catagorised into different amounts. As a smoker I would be the last person to tell people to quit, but I do try to get heavy smokers to cut down as much as possible.

To much of anything will kill you just as sure ...[text shortened]... ask), they should exersize, and try to eat a decent diet (just like the non-smokers should).

The campaign against second-hand smoke grossly misuses bad science.

More people are harmed more severly by eating once a week at McDonalds than they are from second-hand smoke put out by smokers (now the smoke from the hickory and mesquite I put in the BBQ or my smoker for meats is another matter--but the neighbors have kept their complaints silent so far).

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
The campaign against second-hand smoke grossly misuses bad science.

More people are harmed more severly by eating once a week at McDonalds than they are from second-hand smoke put out by smokers (now the smoke from the hickory and mesquite I put in the BBQ or my smoker for meats is another matter--but the neighbors have kept their complaints silent so far).
Been a heavy smoker and coffee drinker for 50 years and I sure as hell am not going to give up things I love just to spend my last years being pissed off because I gave up things I love.

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I think they should ban registered Democrats from smoking it, but it should be mandatory to smoke ten a day if you're a Republican.

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Originally posted by Amaurote
I think they should ban registered Democrats from smoking it, but it should be mandatory to smoke ten a day if you're a Republican.
Are there many Democrats and Republicans in Durham?

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You never can tell, Delmer. There are lots of hills around here.

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Originally posted by Delmer
Been a heavy smoker and coffee drinker for 50 years and I sure as hell am not going to give up things I love just to spend my last years being pissed off because I gave up things I love.
This is the best attitude. It's far better to live your life doing what you enjoy than simply exist.

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Originally posted by Wulebgr
The campaign against second-hand smoke grossly misuses bad science.

More people are harmed more severly by eating once a week at McDonalds than they are from second-hand smoke put out by smokers (now the smoke from the hickory and mesquite I put in the BBQ or my smoker for meats is another matter--but the neighbors have kept their complaints silent so far).
I would like you to explain this "bad science" you mention. I'm not sure I understand the concept, and I would also like to understand the concept as it concerns smoking.

As for second hand smoke compared to fast food, you couldn't be more ridiculous. No one marches up to you and shokes a BigMac and fries down your throat. Someone standing in a building and practically blowing smoke into my child's face however is an occurance that actually happens, and quite often. Also, I am sick and tired of picking up cigarette butts up from the playground where my child plays. Thank God she is not the kind of baby who puts random things in her mouth, or else I would be punching random cigarette smokers in the mouth. I may start doing that anyway. I have no problem with smokers in general, and I don't care about their health problems, how long they live or what they choose to smell like. They can all die stinking and coughing in their hazy bedrooms for all I care. However, when it invades my space, when cigarette smokers decide that the entire world is a giant ashtray/trashcan put there just for a place to ground out their stinking, non-biodegratable, disgusting trash, I can't help but have an opinion.

Keep it in your homes, and for God's sake, keep it in your cars. Those butts don't disappear when you drop them, if you even care.

P.S. I actually like the smell of pipe tobacco, and it has the extra benifit of not leaving a stinking brown-stained filter on the ground (do you cigartee smokers ever actually look at those filters when you are done with them?). So if you cigarette smokers want to all swith to pipes, God bless you.

... --- ...

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Originally posted by thesonofsaul
non-biodegratable, disgusting trash,

Those butts don't disappear when you drop them, if you even care.

P.S. I actually like the smell of pipe tobacco, and it has the extra benifit of not leaving a stinking brown-stained filter on the ground (do you cigartee smokers ever actually look at those filters when you are done with them?). So if you cigarette smokers want to all swith to pipes, God bless you.

... --- ...
The filters are biodegradable. Most/all are made of cellulose acetate. But they should go in a bin not on the ground. Absolutely no argument though, smokers should be aware of their second hand smoke.

NEVER smoke around developing lungs (kids).

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