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Being someone who can identify with the Tea Party movement, there was a time that I was offended at the term "teabagger". After all, we all know what an intended deragatory term this is. However, after reviewing the history of the song "Yankee Doodle Dandee" I think that I may change my mind.

As a term "Doodle" first appeared in the early 17th century, and is thought to derive from the German term dudel or dodel, meaning "fool" or "simpleton". The verse, "stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni", implied that the Yankees were so unsophisticated that they thought simply sticking a feather in a cap made them the height of fashion. However, Americans later embraced the song as their own, turning it back on those who had used it to mock them.

So how about it conservatives? Should the party be renamed "Teabaggers"? After all, the paralles are obvious. Those in the movement are largely unsophisticated compared to that of their ruling elitists in Washington. So as they cling to their "guns and Bibles" perhaps they will continue to rise up and fight the distant European-like government that has invaded their shores?

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You forgot that they like balls in their mouths.

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Originally posted by CliffLandin
You forgot that they like balls in their mouths.
So, they're super flexible.

Anything else?

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
So, they're super flexible.

Anything else?
If i could do that i wouldn't have gotten married.


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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
So, they're super flexible.

Anything else?
Usually not their own, but hey, whatever floats yer boat.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
So, they're super flexible.

Anything else?
It's like the old addage, "Why does a dog lick itself?"

Perhaps they cculd adopt that as their slogan. 😛

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Originally posted by whodey
Being someone who can identify with the Tea Party movement, there was a time that I was offended at the term "teabagger". After all, we all know what an intended deragatory term this is. However, after reviewing the history of the song "Yankee Doodle Dandee" I think that I may change my mind.

As a term "Doodle" first appeared in the early 17th century, a up and fight the distant European-like government that has invaded their shores?
“Guns and Bibles”? So that’s your prescription to rule over the rest of us… 😉 (Hey, as a lefty atheist can I keep my guns? Or will only Bible-believers be allowed to bear arms under your new regime?)

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Originally posted by vistesd
(Hey, as a lefty atheist can I keep my guns? )[/b]
You do realize that this is a contradiction in terms don't you? It sounds to me like vistesd has a little right winged bird inside him just waiting to be realed from his cage.

Fly man, be free!!! 😵

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Originally posted by whodey
You do realize that this is a contradiction in terms don't you? It sounds to me like vistesd has a little right winged bird inside him just waiting to be realed from his cage.

Fly man, be free!!! 😵
LOL! Not at all! You just have a warped view of what makes a lefty! 😉

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Originally posted by whodey
You do realize that this is a contradiction in terms don't you? It sounds to me like vistesd has a little right winged bird inside him just waiting to be realed from his cage.

Fly man, be free!!! 😵
Actually, it isn't. Come to Oregon or Colorado sometime. We are pretty left leaning and we all have guns. We just aren't paranoid that the government is try to take them from us.

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Originally posted by vistesd
LOL! Not at all! You just have a warped view of what makes a lefty! 😉
Your just trying to seduce me to the dark side, arn't you? 😠

You do realize that you make Michael Moore and his gang cry don't you? :'(

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Originally posted by whodey
You do realize that this is a contradiction in terms don't you? It sounds to me like vistesd has a little right winged bird inside him just waiting to be realed from his cage.

Fly man, be free!!! 😵
You mean you have to be right handed to be an atheist?

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Originally posted by vistesd
“Guns and Bibles”? So that’s your prescription to rule over the rest of us… 😉 (Hey, as a lefty atheist can I keep my guns? Or will only Bible-believers be allowed to bear arms under your new regime?)
A well-armed citizenry is most respectful.

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
A well-armed citizenry is most respectful.
I hunt and I own guns, but this sentence doesn't make sense. What is a well armed citizenry respectful of? Yemen ranks #2 behind the U.S. in arms per capita, Iraq 5th and Serbia 6th. Would you refer to their citizenry as respectful?

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Originally posted by CliffLandin
I hunt and I own guns, but this sentence doesn't make sense. What is a well armed citizenry respectful of? Yemen ranks #2 behind the U.S. in arms per capita, Iraq 5th and Serbia 6th. Would you refer to their citizenry as respectful?
So you are a lefty and you own guns and hunt?

Hmmm. Something smells fishy here. The next thing you know you will be telling us you prefer capitalism over socialism and believe in God. 😵

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