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Then Who is?


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A lot of arguing was done here recently, over the topic of taxes, and wealth. When wealthy people don't consider themselves rich, then who is?

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Originally posted by duecer
A lot of arguing was done here recently, over the topic of taxes, and wealth. When wealthy people don't consider themselves rich, then who is?
At what point is rich? Liberals and Democrats are beginning to think its anyone they can tax.

Is it a couple , that makes 90K a year? 150K? 40K?

How about a single person? Or is it someone with a $6 million dollar house?

The top 6% of income earners in this country are paying 90% of the taxes .... when is enough ... enough?

As Hillary jokingly said one time, she couldn't think of a government welfare/handout program that she wouldn't fund, if she could tax people enough to pay for them. My gut tells me, she wasn't joking. Obama is the same, he just tries not to broadcast it too much.

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Originally posted by duecer
A lot of arguing was done here recently, over the topic of taxes, and wealth. When wealthy people don't consider themselves rich, then who is?
I think all the candidates that ran on the Democratic ticket are certainly wealthy by anyone's calculations. The problem I have with that is that once in office, they helped themselves to whatever they could steal.

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
I think all the candidates that ran on the Democratic ticket are certainly wealthy by anyone's calculations. The problem I have with that is that once in office, they helped themselves to whatever they could steal.
Name one person on the Repub ticket that isn't wealthy. I'm not trying to argue, but discuss this phenomina, where the rich refuse to accept that they are rich, and the middleclass don't realize they are not.

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Originally posted by duecer
Name one person on the Repub ticket that isn't wealthy. I'm not trying to argue, but discuss this phenomina, where the rich refuse to accept that they are rich, and the middleclass don't realize they are not.
Hmmm Ron Paul... but then, can we call him a Republican? I'm not sure what his net worth is. But then worrying about who is rich and who isn't has never bothered me that much .... the uglier term for that behavior is class envy.

Most of the rich in this country are people who have earned it, not people who inherited it (like the Kennedys), or married into it (like John Kerry).

Rather than wanting to forcibly redistribute the wealth of the 'rich' (whoever they are, many people might call me rich cause I make more then them) I rather wish them well, hope they invest part of their wealth to create jobs, and contribute it to charities (Bill Gates).

At one point in time I wished I were rich, and it still be nice to hit the Megamillions lottery for 40 or 50 mill., but I'm happy with the current income level I have, long as I can keep liberals from wanting to tax me into the welfare class level.

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Originally posted by duecer
Name one person on the Repub ticket that isn't wealthy. I'm not trying to argue, but discuss this phenomina, where the rich refuse to accept that they are rich, and the middleclass don't realize they are not.
Hmmm Ron Paul... but then, can we call him a Republican? I'm not sure what his net worth is. But then worrying about who is rich and who isn't has never bothered me that much .... the uglier term for that behavior is class envy.

Most of the rich in this country are people who have earned it, not people who inherited it (like the Kennedys), or married into it (like John Kerry).

Rather than wanting to forcibly redistribute the wealth of the 'rich' (whoever they are, many people might call me rich cause I make more then them) I rather wish them well, hope they invest part of their wealth to create jobs, and contribute it to charities (Bill Gates).

At one point in time I wished I were rich, and it still be nice to hit the Megamillions lottery for 40 or 50 mill., but I'm happy with the current income level I have, long as I can keep liberals from wanting to tax me into the welfare class level.

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Originally posted by SMSBear716
Hmmm Ron Paul... but then, can we call him a Republican? I'm not sure what his net worth is. But then worrying about who is rich and who isn't has never bothered me that much .... the uglier term for that behavior is class envy.

Most of the rich in this country are people who have earned it, not people who inherited it (like the Kennedys), or married i ...[text shortened]... el I have, long as I can keep liberals from wanting to tax me into the welfare class level.
Ron Paul is a Doctor, I doubt he would be middleclass. Kennedy didn't earn his money, but his father did. The truth is, that most rich people inherit their money (contrary to your belief). I applaude anyone who has been able to work hard and do better than their parents. I hope my children do better than me.

My question is still out there... what do you consider to be rich?

I think assests (net worth) over $1.5 million makes you rich in this country. In comparison to the 6billion people world wide, if you have a net worth over $100,000. and you own a car, then you are in the top 1% of wealth in the world.

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Originally posted by duecer
Ron Paul is a Doctor, I doubt he would be middleclass. Kennedy didn't earn his money, but his father did. The truth is, that most rich people inherit their money (contrary to your belief). I applaude anyone who has been able to work hard and do better than their parents. I hope my children do better than me.

My question is still out there... what do you co ...[text shortened]... net worth over $100,000. and you own a car, then you are in the top 1% of wealth in the world.
Gee I'm rich.... unless we don't compare outside the US, cause frankly, I don't care how much money some guy in Africa has or whether he has a car... call me a heartless, souless conservative.

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Originally posted by SMSBear716
At what point is rich? Liberals and Democrats are beginning to think its anyone they can tax.

Is it a couple , that makes 90K a year? 150K? 40K?

How about a single person? Or is it someone with a $6 million dollar house?

The top 6% of income earners in this country are paying 90% of the taxes .... when is enough ... enough?

As Hillary jokin t tells me, she wasn't joking. Obama is the same, he just tries not to broadcast it too much.
SMS: The top 6% of income earners in this country are paying 90% of the taxes

I don't know where you got this figure from, but it's in error. According to the Feds, the top 5% of income earners pay 54.36% of Fed income taxes. http://www.house.gov/jec/publications/109/Research%20Report_109-20.pdf

Of course, other taxes are far less progressive (many state and local taxes are regressive).

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Originally posted by no1marauder
SMS: The top 6% of income earners in this country are paying 90% of the taxes

I don't know where you got this figure from, but it's in error. According to the Feds, the top 5% of income earners pay 54.36% of Fed income taxes. http://www.house.gov/jec/publications/109/Research%20Report_109-20.pdf

Of course, other taxes are far less progressive (many state and local taxes are regressive).
I was calculating all taxes.....

If 6% are paying 54.something of just the Federal taxes, thats out of whack too.

I grew up in Maryland, aka TaxHell, there you paid Fed taxes, Medicare, Social security, state tax, county tax ..... and just for fun if you lived outside Baltimore City but worked inside City limits, you paid a tax to Baltimore City. Now thats fair, eh? Oh yeah, almost forgot the sales tax. (smiles)

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Over 50K/year=wealthy

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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
I think all the candidates that ran on the Democratic ticket are certainly wealthy by anyone's calculations. The problem I have with that is that once in office, they helped themselves to whatever they could steal.
Yeah I think you are right, I don't think that any of Haliburton's GOP candidates have ever fallen into the trough!

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Originally posted by PinkFloyd
Over 50K/year=wealthy
For fed. income tax purposes.....if you pay the Alternative Minimum Tax, you are in the highest tax bracket. I assume that the gov't then considers you wealthy. I believe it's around $82K income filing a joint return. That's what the gov't says is rich, and don't forget ....the rich aren't paying there fair share. So Buck up somemore rich people! I would consider $100K family income as middle, middle class. The politicians and the IRS have everyone scknookered.


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Originally posted by smw6869
For fed. income tax purposes.....if you pay the Alternative Minimum Tax, you are in the highest tax bracket. I assume that the gov't then considers you wealthy. I believe it's around $82K income filing a joint return. That's what the gov't says is rich, and don't forget ....the rich aren't paying there fair share. So Buck up somemore rich people! I would con ...[text shortened]... middle, middle class. The politicians and the IRS have everyone scknookered.

I believe the alternative minimum tax is for income of $75k single, $150k married, and $112k head of houshold. An interesting note on this tax; In 1970 when it was enacted it only affected about 1900 people. The adjutments have not kept up with inflation, and now a few million are paying a tax that was meant for the top.5%. After a certain threshold of income, the top tier pays yet another tax, but the deductions kick back in. We definetly need tax code reform.

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Originally posted by smw6869
For fed. income tax purposes.....if you pay the Alternative Minimum Tax, you are in the highest tax bracket. I assume that the gov't then considers you wealthy. I believe it's around $82K income filing a joint return. That's what the gov't says is rich, and don't forget ....the rich aren't paying there fair share. So Buck up somemore rich people! I would con ...[text shortened]... middle, middle class. The politicians and the IRS have everyone scknookered.

I believe the alternative minimum tax is for income of $75k single, $150k married, and $112k head of houshold. An interesting note on this tax; In 1970 when it was enacted it only affected about 1900 people. The adjutments have not kept up with inflation, and now a few million are paying a tax that was meant for the top.5%. After a certain threshold of income, the top tier pays yet another tax, but the deductions kick back in. We definetly need tax code reform.

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