@eladar saidThey needed mail in ballots for the magic trick and they figured out how to get mail in ballots! Kudos
Trump lost because of covid. But of course covid could be a result of what you said.
Nice timing for covid to be released, with dems creating cover to divert attention from it back in January.
Covid is a biggie against Trump but unlike YOU, WE KNOW what else caused his downfall. Like ripping babies from mom's arms at the border, and now shown 500 children are still held in cages with mylar blankets and may NEVER get back to mom and dad.
But of COURSE you figure to parrot Trump's mantra, They are unaccompanied kids hiding out in the desert hoping to get to the US proper.
And he DID get impeached if you can't remember that sick episode in US history.
The fact senators let him off didn't prove innocence of the charges but just showed how hypnotized they are by Trump. They have no balls but when Trump says jump, they go, how high sir?
Or the FACT JACT he calls his top generals stupid and such and disses POW's (I don't think they were hero's, they were caught)
And his refusal to give his tax returns.
That is a short list of a very long list of why Trump cannot lead the US.
His response to Covid? ZERO.
So address THOSE issues I brought up and tell me again why Trump is such a hero to you.
When the final vote is in and Trump is out, only the third POTUS to not win a second term AND FOR GOOD REASON, will you be ok with Trump (in code) telling the ultrarightwingnut faction to start shooting, THAT OK WITH YOU?
Or are you going to mouth the Trump line, I am not responsible.
FOR ANYTHING, it turns out.
So considering all that, why can you support such a would be dictator with Putin as his mentor and he is, don't forget, IN LOVE with that brutal dictator Kim Jon Un.
I guess you have to be blind to not see all that as traits not desired in a POTUS.
But you are blind so with you Trump really could shoot someone on times square and get away with it.