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Trump Caves

Trump Caves



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"Trump Caves"

So... you find it necessary to insult him (which the NY Times didn't), even when he takes measures to fix what you complain about. Says a lot about you. And your lack of virtue.

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Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
"Trump Caves"

So... you find it necessary to insult him (which the NY Times didn't), even when he takes measures to fix what you complain about. Says a lot about you. And your lack of virtue.
President Trump caved to enormous political pressure on Wednesday

He shows a "lack of virtue" by accurately quoting the article?


Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
"Trump Caves"

So... you find it necessary to insult him (which the NY Times didn't), even when he takes measures to fix what you complain about. Says a lot about you. And your lack of virtue.
They're a bit of a tabloid headline, but the words "Trump caves" hardly constitute much of an insult, and do describe what happened. It seems odd to question someone's virtue over their use.


Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
"Trump Caves"

So... you find it necessary to insult him (which the NY Times didn't), even when he takes measures to fix what you complain about. Says a lot about you. And your lack of virtue.
If you're going to cry about a "lack of virtue", you can start with the White House.

1 edit

Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
"Trump Caves"

So... you find it necessary to insult him (which the NY Times didn't), even when he takes measures to fix what you complain about. Says a lot about you. And your lack of virtue.
According to what you and the other right wing drones were saying yesterday, he's a lawbreaker now since you claimed the law requires the family separations. And the Donald agreed with you:

Trump and his top aides, led by Nielsen, have been saying that the law requires them to separate children from parents who were being prosecuted for crossing the border illegally.

Nielsen and Trump repeatedly tried to blame Democrats for the situation at the border, saying that nothing could be done without a legislative resolution.


I'm not sure why he should get extra credit for "fixing" a problem he alone created.


Originally posted by @deepthought
They're a bit of a tabloid headline, but the words "Trump caves" hardly constitute much of an insult, and do describe what happened. It seems odd to question someone's virtue over their use.
Sure, I'm sticking a bit of a thumb in the eyes of right wingers here who insisted the policy was legally required up until yesterday. They kinda don't like that. The title was easier and more fun to type than "Trump Reverses Family Separation Policy" though (which might not have fit).


Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
"Drumpf Caves"

So... you find it necessary to insult him (which the NY Times didn't), even when he takes measures to fix what you complain about. Says a lot about you. And your lack of virtue.
he is the one who made the mess in the first place.

if a drunkard takes a crap in the middle of the street i don't give him praise that after the entire world screamed at him to clean it up he actually does it.

what the hell is wrong with you people. have you such low self esteem that you praise him for the most inane and common sense things?


Fox News is going to need to hire Winston Smith to convince their viewers that this was Trump's real policy all along - "We were always at war with EastAsia".


Originally posted by @vivify
[b]President Trump caved to enormous political pressure on Wednesday

He shows a "lack of virtue" by accurately quoting the article?[/b]
He didn't quote the headline. But you're right. The left wing propaganda machine--also without virtue--insulted him as well. Good catch.


Originally posted by @suzianne
If you're going to cry about a "lack of virtue", you can start with the White House.
As horrible as the Trump administration is, I would expect the intellectuals here to have better manners.

3 edits

Originally posted by @no1marauder
Sure, I'm sticking a bit of a thumb in the eyes of right wingers here who insisted the policy was legally required up until yesterday.
The fact that Trump had to go around our gridlocked Congress and write an executive order, demonstrates the legality of what was happening.

Did you get a load of those poor caged children, piled up like sardines sleeping on the floor at the Nogales facility? Oh wait, that was going on in 2014. No outrage from any of you.


Originally posted by @deepthought
They're a bit of a tabloid headline, but the words "Trump caves" hardly constitute much of an insult, and do describe what happened. It seems odd to question someone's virtue over their use.
Well it could have been something like "Trump finally fixes problem" but instead, yes, it was worded with a negative connotation.


Originally posted by @tom-wolsey
He didn't quote the headline. But you're right. The left wing propaganda machine--also without virtue--insulted him as well. Good catch.
How is that an "insult"? "Cave", in this sense, means "capitulate or submit under pressure" which is what Trump certainly did. The use by me and the headline is certainly accurate.

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