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Trump: it would be a good idea to make me dictator

Trump: it would be a good idea to make me dictator



“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida aired by CNN.“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.


Yea or nay?


He was joking.
Although I’m sure a little orange lightbulb ignited over his head as he said it.

Admittedly, some if his speach was quite funny.


Originally posted by @shavixmir
He was joking.
Although I’m sure a little orange lightbulb ignited over his head as he said it.

Admittedly, some if his speach was quite funny.
Just joking, LOL!

Will you go out with me though?


The context was quite obviously a Johnny Carson sort of topical monolog.


Originally posted by @moonbus
The context was quite obviously a Johnny Carson sort of topical monolog.
I’ll believe he meant it as just a joke when he makes a corresponding impeachment joke.


Originally posted by @moonbusI' vino'
The context was quite obviously a Johnny Carson sort of topical monolog.
I don't know, the guy did just want a military parade.


Originally posted by @vivify
I don't know, the guy did just want a military parade.
A dictatorship is a prerequisite for a military parade. 😲


It's trolling.

Of course, not hardcore trolling, but the Pres. is dangling bait out there hoping to illicit overreactions and foolish remarks.'


Originally posted by @vivify
I don't know, the guy did just want a military parade.
He didn't really want to be president. What he wants is to be in the public eye, and he'll do or say anything to stay there. This is all just reality tv for him.


Originally posted by @philokalia
It's trolling.

Of course, not hardcore trolling, but the Pres. is dangling bait out there hoping to illicit overreactions and foolish remarks.'
You ascribe too much subtlety to someone who is, in essence, a big six-year-old.


Originally posted by @moonbus
He didn't really want to be president. What he wants is to be in the public eye, and he'll do or say anything to stay there. This is all just reality tv for him.
Trump really did everything in his power to lose to Hillary, but then, he was running against the most unlikable and corrupt candidate in US history.

Will the Dims find another similar candidate for 2020?

My guess is yes.


Originally posted by @whodey
Trump really did everything in his power to lose to Hillary, but then, he was running against the most unlikable and corrupt candidate in US history.

Will the Dims find another similar candidate for 2020?

My guess is yes.
It's truly baffling that after witnessing the continuously crashing train wreck that is the Trump administration, you somehow still haven't realized that Clinton - for all her flaws - was the overwhelmingly superior candidate in the 2016 election.

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Originally posted by @moonbus
He didn't really want to be president. What he wants is to be in the public eye, and he'll do or say anything to stay there. This is all just reality tv for him.
As more about Trump's business dealings come to light, I doubt that.

Trump's son, Eric, in 2008 said “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets." Given that Trump has relied heavily on Russian investors, the idea that Russia rigged the election against Hillary, adds weight to Trump wanting to be president.

One of Trump's first acts as president was to appoint Rex Tlllerson as Secretary of State (a foreign relations position). Tillerson was formerly an executive at Enron, who had a multi-billion dollar deal with Russia that blocked due to sanctions under Obama.

See how it all comes together? Trump giving classified intel to Russians behind closed doors, multiple Trump staffers busted for lying about Russia, etc., etc? And now it turns out his son-in-law, Kushner, used White House meetings to secure loans. Add the fact that Trump refused to set up a blind trust, allowing him input on his businesses while having the highest office in America.....

It seems Trump had very good reasons for wanting to be president. Given how corrupt his administration's been proven to be, I doubt Trump wanting to be dictator was actually a "joke". I think Trump was just testing the waters by draping it as "comedy".

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Originally posted by @shallow-blue
You ascribe too much subtlety to someone who is, in essence, a big six-year-old.
There's this well-known post-election analysis - I don't remember who came up with it - that Trump's fans took him seriously, but not literally, while the rest took him literally, but not seriously.

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Originally posted by @kazetnagorra
There's this well-known post-election analysis - I don't remember who came up with it - that Trump's fans took him seriously, but not literally, while the rest took him literally, but not seriously.
You say tomato and I say tomoto.

Let's call the whole thing off! 😠

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