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Trump To Criminalize Homelessness

Trump To Criminalize Homelessness



Considering the number of mentally ill homeless across the nation this could a large financial burden upon cities . Raise taxes !
Or perhaps the idea will be to create "work camps" .
Trump is mentally ill .

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@caissad4 said
Considering the number of mentally ill homeless across the nation this could a large financial burden upon cities . Raise taxes !
Or perhaps the idea will be to create "work camps" .
Trump is mentally ill .

You like how San Fran does it, just let them poop everywhere as they hire an army of pooper scoopers and put up tents everywhere and leave their needles lying round while supplying them with clean needles as around 200 die per day across the country due to overdoses.

Yep, sounds much better.


@caissad4 said
Considering the number of mentally ill homeless across the nation this could a large financial burden upon cities . Raise taxes !
Or perhaps the idea will be to create "work camps" .
Trump is mentally ill .
If you were Gov of California, or anybody for that matter, what wouldyou do......to fix the problem......for the city residents, and for the homeless?

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@caissad4 said
Considering the number of mentally ill homeless across the nation this could a large financial burden upon cities . Raise taxes !
Or perhaps the idea will be to create "work camps" .
Trump is mentally ill .
Scratch the "work camps" as the SCOTUS has already ruled that you cannot force a prisoner to work .


@caissad4 said
Considering the number of mentally ill homeless across the nation this could a large financial burden upon cities . Raise taxes !
Or perhaps the idea will be to create "work camps" .
Trump is mentally ill .
Query....... the USA has been doing its thing for over 200 years. What just changed?

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@averagejoe1 said
Query....... the USA has been doing its thing for over 200 years. What just changed?
Please explain what you mean .

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@averagejoe1 said
If you were Gov of California, or anybody for that matter, what wouldyou do......to fix the problem......for the city residents, and for the homeless?
1. More mental health facilities
2. More jails
3. Gotta raise taxes if you do these things .
4 . Lastly , blame the Federal Government .
5. Then retire to a Caribbean island .

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@caissad4 said
Scratch the "work camps" as the SCOTUS has already ruled that you cannot force a prisoner to work .
Now, Cassaid, you are just trying to stir the pot!!!! You make a succinct statement, as above, but ole Joe here notes that you left out the word ‘excessive”, which, of course, totally dilutes your statement to zero. Your statement, Suziannne might say, is a lie. One cannot force a prisoner to work ‘excessively’ was their holding. Why, next you will be telling us that no one should be able to put a prisoner in prison!

Just didnt want you to get too far afield. We need all of you liberals to try to hang in there for great entertainment☺️🤣🤣🤣🤣😘

Seriously, why do liberals only put half truths in their posts? It is common place, I have noted it many times. Is it because it makes a better story? Yes I’m sure it does, but no one learns from it.

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@averagejoe1 said
Now, Cassaid, you are just trying to stir the pot!!!! You make a succinct statement, as above, but ole Joe here notes that you left out the word ‘excessive”, which, of course, totally dilutes your statement to zero. Your statement, Suziannne might say, is a lie. One cannot force a prisoner to work ‘excessively’ was their holding. Why, next you will be telling us that ...[text shortened]... many times. Is it because it makes a better story? Yes I’m sure it does, but no one learns from it.
Define "excessive" in this context .


@caissad4 said
Please explain what you mean .
Why are the streets, the homeless, the mental state, etc......Why, what, is different now than over all the years? Not to make light of it, but what is the urgency all of a sudden? Who’s behind it, where were try be f ore now?


@averagejoe1 said
Why are the streets, the homeless, the mental state, etc......Why, what, is different now than over all the years? Not to make light of it, but what is the urgency all of a sudden? Who’s behind it, where were try be f ore now?
Ask Trump, he made it urgent .


@averagejoe1 said
If you were Gov of California, or anybody for that matter, what wouldyou do......to fix the problem......for the city residents, and for the homeless?
1. Look at how homelessness was fixed elsewhere.
2. Copy the solution.
3. ???
4. Profit!


@caissad4 said
Considering the number of mentally ill homeless across the nation this could a large financial burden upon cities . Raise taxes !
Or perhaps the idea will be to create "work camps" .
Trump is mentally ill .
This is nothing new with Trump, he loves to victimize those most vulnerable. Be it cheating his employees out of their wages, separating little kids from their parents and throwing them in animal cages at our southern border, cutting minimum wage employees off food stamps, or taking mentally or physically damaged homeless people and herding them into work camps, it plays well with his base.

Oh - It will warm our hearts this holiday season to know Trump Has Spent $115 Million of OUR tax dollars on Golf Trips or 287 Years Of Presidential Salary. God Bless America! 😆



Well, there's plenty of money for prisons. Our wise, great leaders could simply build 20,000 more prisons to hold all the present and future homeless, and then we will have a healthy, growing prison industry to complement our healthy, growing disease-care industry. Don't you just love unrestrained corporate capitalism?

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@bunnyknight said
Well, there's plenty of money for prisons. Our wise, great leaders could simply build 20,000 more prisons to hold all the present and future homeless, and then we will have a healthy, growing prison industry to complement our healthy, growing disease-care industry. Don't you just love unrestrained corporate capitalism?
That means tax increases .

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