@philokalia saidDo you mean crimes against the person? I don’t think there’s much hate involved in a bank robbery but spitting on a woman who is wearing a hijab surrounded by women not wearing a hijab is almost certainly a hate crime.
Well, it's not hard to argue that, but I would point out that your logic can also illustrate as to why we need to not consider these things to be hate crimes.
Hate is a common component of any crime.
It's redundant.
It’s hard to imagine a rapist not harbouring feelings of hatred toward women on some level but I suppose you’d have to prove that his hatred of women was the motivation for his crime.
@earl-of-trumps saidThey might be hateful from the perspective of the victims but unless they are motivated by hatred toward specified discernible groups then they are not hate crimes.
Breaking NEWS:
All crimes are hate crimes.
Someone in an Antifa T-shirt setting fire to someone in a Trump T-shirt whilst shouting “Death to all Trump supporters” is almost certainly a hate crime whilst someone in an Antifa T-shirt setting fire to someone in a Lakers T-shirt who, later, turns out to be a Trump supporter by coincidence is just a really horrible crime.
The post that was quoted here has been removedOh for the love of the Big Bang
I’m not showing any confusion at all the only confused person is yourself duchess.
“ "... motivated by hatred toward specified discernible groups ..."
If you couldn’t discern from that sentence that I was referring to groups protected by hate crime legislation then you clearly have comprehension issues.
The post that was quoted here has been removedThe duchess continues to be near illiterate in her comprehension of posts.
It was a tongue in cheek example in reply to a specific poster which accurately depicted the difference between a crime motivated by hatred towards a discernible group and a crime not motivated by hatred to a discernible group.
Your lack of comprehension beggars belief. A less generous person might think they were being trolled because of something they have posted in another thread.
@Duchess64 -
Shouting 'Death to all black people' is different from shouting 'Death to all Trump supporters.'
Shouting 'Death to all Muslims' is different from shouting 'Death to all Union Club members'.
"... is differrent". uh huh.
And I am sure your legislators found a way to sidestep the Equal Protection Clause.
Political mind control, that's all it is
@shavixmir saidA hate crime is when an act is motivated by bigotry, like shooting up a synagogue because of anti-Semitism, committing assault because someone is mentally disabled or killing a woman because her head wasn't covered.
What the F is a hate crime?
Surely if it’s a crime it’s a crime.
Does Peter raping Judy get any better if he doesn’t hate women?
@earl-of-trumps saidYou simply cannot have it both ways.
@Duchess64 -
Shouting 'Death to all black people' is different from shouting 'Death to all Trump supporters.'
Shouting 'Death to all Muslims' is different from shouting 'Death to all Union Club members'.
"... is differrent". uh huh.
And I am sure your legislators found a way to sidestep the Equal Protection Clause.
Political mind control, that's all it is
@kevcvs57 -
"Do you mean crimes against the person? I don’t think there’s much hate involved in a bank robbery"
What if the bank is owned by a politically correct species, eg,
Trans person, illegal immigrant, LGBTQ+, Woman, African American.
You didn't think about that did you? Perhaps that is right around the corner.
Two tiered LoOZa justice system. It brushes aside the equal protection clause, and generally reeks of the debauchery of the PC class.
Hating someone is not a crime.
The PC cabal would love to punish certain haters that are viewed as their political enemies, and one way
to do this is add extra time on to a crime if the perp is your political enemy.
Example: A] A BLM protester smashes your teeth in with a crowbar. Verdict: Mayhem, 5 years.
Example: B] A Bug-a-loo boi smashes a trans person's teeth in with a crowbar. Verdict: Mayhem, 5 years + 5 years due to perceived hatred accompanied.
Make sense?