Originally posted by ZadadkaLet me spell it for you then.
I get the part about New Labour being irrelevant to the proceedings, but what's the first line about?
Still missing it, sorry.
Can you tell me cft ?
The first terrorist was? George Washington, so proclaimed by Britain.
Britain's involvement around the world has spawned terrorists in every corner. From the IRA, to Israeli terrorists (hanging British soldiers just after WWII), etc. etc.
Originally posted by shavixmirHe-he guys. 😛
I thought your answer was very good. I just felt like rubbing his nose in it.
Ok...yes, of course I now know what you're on about...but... well, to be honest, I'd hoped it wasn't that tired old argument.
Hey, I know, ignore that....let's go further back, let's blame the Crusades...
But hang on...what about the Portuguese and Spanish Empires....the Italian (Roman), the Greeks, Otterman, Mongol, etc etc....
....tell me, which river of blood do you choose to be representative of our malice and subserviant treatment our various neighbours over the ages?
Now pose that question from the perspective of each nation that has ever invaded another....or been invaded.
As I've said elsewhere, history is there to learnt from, if we choose to, but not by dismantling it, cherry-picking it, and then re-constructing to suit our needs at the time.
I'm not disputing what went before....only the need to keep raising it as a banner against "those bad people".....
I mean, c'mon, some of these "arguments" are generations old....they are not wines that become better with age, but sores that fester if we allow them.
Either we find common ground, and move forwards, or start throwing spears at each other all over again.
Whether those spears be words in a thread, or missiles across borders.