Waltz on guns and mental health: "Just because you have a mental health issue doesn't mean you're violent. Stop stigmatizing those with mental health issues. Sometimes it is just the guns."
Nice answer.
I think this is the best exchange of the debate. Both did well here and nice show of humanity toward each other, like from Vance empathizing with Waltz's child witnessing a shooting.
@Suzianne saidAgreed. But a debate is about performance rather than substance. It shouldn't be but it is. In that respect. Vance is far superior.
But he continually leaned on Vance's lie about "botched late-term abortions". This almost NEVER happens. Start trusting women to make their own decisions.
@vivify saidTo be fair to Vance, the moderator did try to sneak in a fact-check by pointing that most Haitians in Ohio were there legally. I didn't know at the beginning that they agreed to not fact check.
They had to cut the mics because Vance wouldn't shut the hell up, spoke out of turn and spoke over the moderators. That's gonna be one of the major soundbites tomorrow.
Alright, I'm going to bed for tonight. Final thoughts:
Vance ran circles around Walz performance wise and keeping his cool. Walz looked nervous at times, stammered a lot, had too many long pauses, while Vance was more quick-witted. Walz at one point had spit on his lower lip.
Walz did better later in the debate but Vance was far more consistent from start to finish. Walz fumbled some prime chances for a knockdown like with abortion, and should've been stronger on Jan 6th. Walz was stronger than Vance at the end and had stronger arguments.
Just like in 2020, the Vice-presidential debate was much more substantive than the presidential one.
One area where Vance was weak: He keeps saying "Kamala Harris' policies". Kamala is not president. She has not and does not run the country.
If I had to give points out of 100, I'd give Vance 65 points and Walz 59. Their interaction at the end of the debate was heartwarming.
I enjoyed the debate overall. It feels like it's been a long time since we have had a substantial political debate on the national stage.
These two hit on a lot of common ground, pushed each other to clarify positions that were unclear, and exposed areas where political party optics on issues does not square with reality.
A pretty even debate. I give the edge to Walz for pinning Vance on whether the election was stolen. It was adjudicated ad nauseum, all the states certified their electors. There is no possible way the election was stolen, but Vance refused to state this.
Walz asked Vance point blank, "Did Trump lose the election in 2020''. Vance goes 'I have to focus on the future'.
The question I have is how many Trumpites would switch votes hearing an 'answer'
like that.
Not many. It is clear Vance THOUGHT he won the debate, but Walz NAILED that SOB to the wall. Vance was a clear debater, making every statement SOUND like it was from the heart but could not tell the truth, just like, oh, who does that remind us about? Wait wait, don't tell me.......
Too bad nobody brought up Vance's mentor Curtis Yarvin who said "Americans have to get over this dictator phobia'.
@wildgrass saidEveryone so far must have watched a different debate than me. In my humble opinion Vance clearly dominated Walz showing himself to be the most qualified and knowledgeable for the job. This debate was still clearly three on one, along with trying to spoon feeding answers to Walz he halfway screwed up, with fact-checking Vance and on. This is very sad and unfair to the People seeing the censorship going on Now not just in the future, along with all the half truths, deception, and out right lies coming from our very controlling liberal media, like we’re stupid and blind. I truly can’t believe they feel so confident that they can just blast it out there not even trying to hide it tonight and daily. This is a debate to supposedly show the American people the candidates equally and fairly and what they think to decide the Vice Presidency of the United States, and we get this dishonesty on all of the debates for us to make an accurate choice, sad and disturbing! People are voting on how they are actually doing right now, and do they actually think things will get better or worse to survive with Harris (SHES ALREADY THERE!) or Trump. I find it funny that all of you think Walz did so great with his continuous TDS comments he spewed (like all of you daily) that we’ve all on both sides already made up our minds on and settled, pointless debate from a failed party. This is what you have to do when your party is a failure and has nothing new and knows it. I do feel bad for Walz, it’s hard to give substance and the portrayal of her strength and leadership skills when she’s been in office with horrible ratings and failed leadership throughout creating the issues were facing now. This is what we have seen and will see for the rest of her term and beyond If she’s elected. If Harris is so great why is Biden still even in office, Harris our savior please, what a joke! What you’re getting today you will get and worse if she actually wins, as far as Walz, I don’t want a scared knucklehead for VP, sorry!
I enjoyed the debate overall. It feels like it's been a long time since we have had a substantial political debate on the national stage.
These two hit on a lot of common ground, pushed each other to clarify positions that were unclear, and exposed areas where political party optics on issues does not square with reality.
A pretty even debate. I give the edge to Walz ...[text shortened]... d their electors. There is no possible way the election was stolen, but Vance refused to state this.