31 Mar 22
@divegeester saidThanks for trying to gaslight everyone that I didn't get the joke.
Thanks for not getting the joke.
It wasn't the knee-slapper you apparently thought it was.
@great-big-stees saidI have been many times in London and still want to go back - New York is the same feeling.
Haven’t you done so already?🤔
01 Apr 22
@great-big-stees saidHarlem has some fabulous jazz joints.
If jazz was on your radar a better choice would be New Orleans I would think.🤔
@divegeester saidSounds great. What are you waiting for?
Quick summary so far:
1) buy an assault rifle
2) get advice on US made weapon retailers
3) visit to NY to listen to lots of live music
4) connect with Gambrel for some vibe locations
5) explain that circuses are a bad thing for animals and Piccadilly doesn’t have one
6) liberate America from something
Say hi to the FBI for me.
01 Apr 22
@great-big-stees saidNorth America, hey, it works for me.
Indeed, as does Montreal….hey it’s in America too.👍
01 Apr 22
@badradger saidI thought you were a floor layer, not a chef in a Chinese restaurant.🤔
London is a cess pit ...woked in the smoke for years hated it.
01 Apr 22
@badradger saidFully agree, hate the place.
London is a cess pit ...woked in the smoke for years hated it.