What are your faves? One that cracked me up has an Indian snake charmer performing in front of a crowd. He's playing the flute and the snake has popped his head out of the basket as the performance requires. However, the snake is wearing a Groucho Marx mask, and the snake charmer is thinking: 'I'll get him for this' as he plays. Does this kind of humour translate into words, or is it necessary to see the cartoon itself for it to be funny?
2 guys in a rubber raft in the ocean... One guy is shaking a can.
"Ok, You want the Last Soda!!! Let me get it ready for you!!!"
2 guys with Tubas in an old west saloon.
"I hear you fancy yourself a Tuba Player."
2 Snakes near the leg of a hiker with a bunch of snake bites all over it. One Snake says, "Excuse me? I believe MINE are the biggest fang marks".
One big bear and 2 cubs. The bear has a skull on each of his paws like puppets, the skulls have hunter caps on them.
The bear says, "Ok, one more time and it's off to bed. 'Hey Joe, you think there are any old bears in this cave?'
'I don't know, lets take a look'".
Ug, did I forget any?
Two deer grazing side by side in a meadow. One of the deer has target rings with the scoring numbers on the roundels complete with a big '10' in the middle, on its chest. The other deer says " bummer of a birth mark Thelma"
A Far Side calender on my desk and a new theme every day.
Bang! skeeter
Originally posted by skeeterThat one is a classic but there must be two versions. The one I saw said "bummer of a birthmark Hal."
Two deer grazing side by side in a meadow. One of the deer has target rings with the scoring numbers on the roundels complete with a big '10' in the middle, on its chest. The other deer says " bummer of a birth mark Thelma"
A Far Side calender on my desk and a new theme every day.
Bang! skeeter
Feivel the Freethinker
2 Construction workers sitting way up on a building's frame works, eating lunch. One has a crazy look in his eye as the other chews an sandwich.
"You ever get that urge, Frank? It begins with looking down from 50 Stories up, thinking about the meaninglessness of life, listening to the dark voices deep inside you, and you think 'Should I?... Should I?... Should I push someone off?'"
There is a clown in full outfit in a room full of expensive looking machines, about to press a large red button marked "Do Not Push". One of the scientists in the background is shouting "What's that clown doing?".
Also like the one with the cows in a field stood on their hind legs having a conversation with one of them stood by the fence shouting "CAR!". The next picture is them on all fours going "Moo!" as the car drives past.
To be honest, there are too many great ones to mention, and words don't do them justice.
The one where the guy sits in the airplane, looks at the weird looking guy next to him and thinks "Dang, why do I always sit next to the weirdo's". Meanwhile, there is still one seat free on the plane and this massive hidious guy is just about to take up the other seat next to him.
Otherwise my favourite is the one where a Polar Bear (trying to look inconspicious) is seated on a small block of ice in the middle of the Ocean surrounded by penguins. The the one penguin sais to the other one "I dont know whats going on Marv, but every day it seems as if there are less of us here" .. or something to that effect.