10 Jul 09
Originally posted by cashthetrashPaul could have been the most ambitious, but he was certainly the biggest bastard around.
Paul was the most ambitious of all of them, and arguably the most talented music wise, and I believe more pop inclined. John was a genus and took his work beyond the normal commercial realm. He made them all better. I do miss Johns work.
He was only in it for the money, and found it pleasurable to bully other band members.
The feeling amongst Beatle fans that there would not have been
a Lennon if not for McCarntney and visa versa.
They fed of each other.
Of course the real gel was supplied by George Martin his part in
the Beatles music cannot be over stated.
Harrison was OK as a lead guitarist, another ego in that band would
have torn it apart before they got off the ground.
Lennon used to run most of his songs past Ringo.
If Ringo said "That's crap John." he dropped it.