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Better ways to handle gifted kids: Nurturing:

Better ways to handle gifted kids: Nurturing:


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This is a very long term study and I hope it changes the way gifted kids are educated.

I have a grandson who is very gifted and he did skip some grades and is now enrolled in a program for highly gifted kids.

I hope he acheives greatness as a result.


The line between gifted kids and spastics is, well, blurry. My experience
tells me the best tool is a belt. Hardened leather one.


Originally posted by Seitse
The line between gifted kids and spastics is, well, blurry. My experience
tells me the best tool is a belt. Hardened leather one.
Which would explain why you don't have and never will have gifted kids. You should learn the difference between discipline and nurturing. Try gargling those two.


Originally posted by sonhouse
Which would explain why you don't have and never will have gifted kids.
I don't have and will never have any type of kids. I'm a mule, pops,
I can't procreate. And the way I see it, humanity owes me a favor for it.

Truth is, there are no gifted kids, just carbon footprint generators who are
screwing this planet. Neither your nor anyone else's little snowflakes are
special. Just a nuisance.

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Originally posted by Seitse
I don't have and will never have [b]any type of kids. I'm a mule, pops,
I can't procreate. And the way I see it, humanity owes me a favor for it.

Truth is, there are no gifted kids, just carbon footprint generators who are
screwing this planet. Neither your nor anyone else's little snowflakes are
special. Just a nuisance.[/b]
Yeah, we know !!

You hate humanity in all its' forms !!


Originally posted by mghrn55
My eyes! ARGH! MY EYES!

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Originally posted by Seitse
I don't have and will never have [b]any type of kids. I'm a mule, pops,
I can't procreate. And the way I see it, humanity owes me a favor for it.

Truth is, there are no gifted kids, just carbon footprint generators who are
screwing this planet. Neither your nor anyone else's little snowflakes are
special. Just a nuisance.[/b]
The world was granted a small favor. Now if only there were 6 billion more like you....

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Originally posted by Seitse
My eyes! ARGH! MY EYES!
Did you forget to get back into your coffin before the sun rose?


Originally posted by Great Big Stees
Did you forget to get back into your coffin before the sun rose?
Who is the prick in that sunflower?


Originally posted by sonhouse

This is a very long term study and I hope it changes the way gifted kids are educated.

I have a grandson who is very gifted and he did skip some grades and is now enrolled in a program for highly gifted kids.

I hope he acheives greatness as a result.
You should put your "gifted" child-son in a "special education" class and see who emerges from that experiment.
Will he/she/it raise the level of those in the periphery, or will he/she/it become Lord of the Flies?

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
You should put your "gifted" child-son in a "special education" class and see who emerges from that experiment.
Will he/she/it raise the level of those in the periphery, or will he/she/it become Lord of the Flies?
One thing I can absolutely guarantee, he is a LOT smarter than you ever were or ever will be.


Originally posted by sonhouse
One thing I can absolutely guarantee, he is a LOT smarter than you ever were or ever will be.
Keep dreaming, old man.
Your arrogance smells like putrid cheese.
And yet you keep spreading it across crackers and serving it as though it's a delicacy.

I'll pass, thanks.


First Boston priests, now this. Where is the world heading to?

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Originally posted by sonhouse
I hope he acheives (sic) greatness as a result.
i am happy for yer pride in yer progeny...
does he feel the same as you concerning advanced placement???

nurturing is more than merely developing the brain as quickly as possible...

3 edits

Originally posted by rookie54
i am happy for yer pride in yer progeny...
does he feel the same as you concerning advanced placement???

nurturing is more than merely developing the brain as quickly as possible...
I gather you didn't really get the gist of the piece. Their brains are developing in SPITE of parents and siblings. That is why they need to be nurtured.

But you would hold them back, force them to endlessly recite multiplication tables or recount the kings of England.

In other words, stifle their true destiny.

And BTW, I am not alluding to my own progeny, I am talking about all the children who were held back by their culture, their parents who knew no better.

My wife, for instance, has an IQ of 155, her daughter, my step daughter, the jewel of our family had and IQ of 170. My wife was told quite plainly she should just be a wife and have lots of kids even though she was smarter than her brothers who went on to some measure of greatness themselves, one becoming a colonel, the other a major. But they were not as intelligent as my wife who was left sucking hind tit. She went to nursing school and got the highest grade of anyone in our state, California.

It is clear with proper nurturing she could have done much better than be a nurse, even though she did that well.

My step daughter took an art course in high school, having never drawn as much as a mouse in her life.

She was asked to draw a hand.

Her teacher came to us nearly weeping. The hand looked like it was drawn by Leonardo da Vinci himself it was that powerful.

But her life was cut short on a motorcycle, killed instantly. Our jewel was not allowed to achieve greatness not from lack of nurturing but by death.

I have some gifts but mainly due to stubborn persistence.

I wish all gifted children to have the nurturing to become the greatest they can become, not be dragged down by stupid cultural demands, be a good wife. Son, don't go that college, we need you here on the farm.

How many times have you heard that? Who do you think are the people making your lives better?

I hate to break it to you but we as a species need all the help we can get and if a young genius happens to be a girl, so be it, perhaps she will be the one who conquers cancer, maybe she will be the one to lead us to a better life through politics, whatever. It is in our best interests to let the ones who are better intellectually for us to not stand in their way and force the gifted into the servitude of those of weaker minds.

So what I say doesn't make much difference, the weak minds among the species will mostly keep down the gifted anyway.

Which just shows how truly intelligent we are as a species.

And of course from you lot, all I expect from my soliloquy is a cynical 'Bravo, clap clap clap.

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