Bring it!

Bring it!



oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
It was HandyAndy who started the thread so I can't see why you'd think he'd want to remove it less than an hour later.
When I asked "Who is Google?" I wasn't asking what is google. Andy said "Google found", as though it was google who was doing the searching. Don't you get it? It wasn't Andys fault for looking for that information, it was Googles fault for finding it.

That's why I think Andy may have requested to have his own thread removed. Or maybe Site decided to take it down because HA could have just as easily put his OP in here. But now we have yet another puzzling mystery to ponder... Who is Site?


28 Oct 05
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by lemon lime
When I asked "Who is Google?" I wasn't asking what is google. Andy said "Google found", as though it was google who was doing the searching. Don't you get it? It wasn't Andys fault for looking for that information, it was Googles fault for finding it.

That's why I think Andy may have requested to have his own thread removed. Or maybe Site decide ...[text shortened]... ut his OP in here. But now we have yet another puzzling mystery to ponder... Who is [b]Site
I think it's farfetched to suggest that HandyAndy had his own thread removed because you asked "Who is Google?" If you read HandyAndy's OP he made no attempt whatsoever to blame Google for anything. He explained exactly why and how he discovered that Grampy Bobby had published the same poem under three different attributions. HandyAndy even explained that he used Google to find this out. I can't see how you asking "Who is Google?" had anything to do with the thread being deleted.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
Tell whodey about it. He was the one who wanted to discuss whether his question about Islam and mental illness was fair or not. I was pointing out to him that him joking around on serious matters might not be the best way for him to get the things he wants to discuss taken seriously.
Tell whodey about it.

Why? He doesn't appear to have a short attention span or unable to discern the meaning behind words.

I'm telling you because you have a knack for consistently missing the point and forgetting what you've said less than 2 minutes after saying it.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
08 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
I think it's farfetched to suggest that HandyAndy had his own thread removed because you asked "Who is Google?" If you read HandyAndy's OP he made no attempt whatsoever to blame Google for anything. He explained exactly why and how he discovered that Grampy Bobby had published the same poem under three different attributions. HandyAndy even explained that he use ...[text shortened]... t. I can't see how you asking "Who is Google?" had anything to do with the thread being deleted.
I can't see how you asking "Who is Google?" had anything to do with the thread being deleted.

I didn't say it had anything to do with that. I brought this idea up as a possibility, not as a fact.

When I asked Who is Google you assumed I was asking what is google. This is what I meant by your responses being reflexive... you're so intent on giving fast answers that you're not bothering to stop and think about what anything actually means.


28 Oct 05
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by lemon lime
[b]Tell whodey about it.

Why? He doesn't appear to have a short attention span or unable to discern the meaning behind words.

I'm telling you because you have a knack for consistently missing the point and forgetting what you've said less than 2 minutes after saying it.[/b]
whodey raised the issue of Islam and mental illness on this thread not me. He questioned why it had been deleted. I suggested it might have had something to do do with him "joking around" with a serious subject.


28 Oct 05
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by lemon lime
I didn't say it did have anything to do with it. I brought this idea up as a possibility, not as a fact.[/b]
Well I can't see how you asking "Who is Google?" could possibly have had anything to do with the thread being deleted.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
Well I can't see how you asking "Who is Google?" could possibly have had anything to do with the thread being deleted.
Yes, I know you can't see how my asking "Who is Google" could possibly have had anything to do with the thread being deleted... you "not seeing" is my point. Your reflexive questions and answers don't require you to see anything.


28 Oct 05
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by lemon lime
Yes, I know you can't see how my asking "Who is Google" could possibly have had anything to do with the thread being deleted... you "not seeing" is my point. Your reflexive questions and answers don't require you to see anything.
The whole notion that your question led to the thread being deleted is preposterous. It was HandyAndy himself who told you he used Google. You saying "Who is Google?" is not a gotcha! of any kind whatsoever. And there is no reason why HandyAndy would have asked for his own thread to be deleted simply because you said that.


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
The whole notion that your question led to the thread being deleted is preposterous. It was HandyAndy himself who told you he used Google. You saying "Who is Google?" is not a gotcha! of any kind whatsoever. And there is no reason why HandyAndy would have asked for his own thread to be deleted simply because you said that.
Why did you think I was asking what google is when I asked "Who is Google?"

A search engine is not a who, a search engine is a what... but you already know this, so why were you answering a question I did not ask?


28 Oct 05
08 Aug 14
1 edit

Originally posted by lemon lime
Why did you think I was asking what google is when I asked "Who is Google?"

A search engine is not a who, a search engine is a what... but you already know this, so why were you answering a question I did not ask?
HandyAndy explained that he used Google. What possible angle do you think you have quibbling "Who" or "What"? The only reason you know HandyAndy used Google is because HandyAndy told you he used Google. How more ludicrous could it be than for you to suggest that HandyAndy had his own thread deleted in order to prevent people from seeing that you had posted the words "Who is Google?" ?


28 Oct 05
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
Or are you going to take the chance that you can bury this page under another mountain of wind?
No. Here it is again so that your suggestion that I am trying to "bury it" is refuted: "I have only used the screen name 'Nick Bourbaki' here at RHP".


oLd ScHoOl

31 May 13
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by FMF
HandyAndy explained that he used Google. What possible angle do you think you have quibbling "Who" or "What"? The only reason you know HandyAndy used Google is because HandyAndy told you he used Google. How more ludicrous could it be than for you to suggest that HandyAndy had his own thread deleted in order to prevent people from seeing that you had posted the words "Who is Google?" ?
I use google too, so what? You sound like you're just chuntering on breathlessly...

Maybe it was you who asked to have that thread deleted, that's another possibility. I doubt it, because you never seem to know when you've been caught in a lie or when you've said something foolish... you just continue chuntering along breathlessly from one post to the next.


28 Oct 05
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by lemon lime
Maybe it was you who asked to have that thread deleted, that's another possibility. I doubt it, because you never seem to know when you've been caught in a lie or when you've said something foolish... you just continue chuntering along breathlessly from one post to the next.
I thought the thread was a good one. HandyAndy's candour was interesting. I don't really get why it was deleted but I certainly don't think it was deleted because HandyAndy requested it.

Starmer is a liar

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16 Feb 08
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by darvlay
Grampy Bobby

Last moved 2 hours and 4 minutes ago

Am I missing something?
Never mess up a good internet row with teh FACTZ.

Starmer is a liar

More in my profile

16 Feb 08
08 Aug 14

Originally posted by Suzianne
No one reads Culture. Geeeeeez.
GB has not in fact "left the site" any more than Galveston75 "left the site" after his wheels off/pants down hissy fit in the "Forum Etiquette" thread debacle. Galveston75 continued moving in his games and is now sculking back into the Spirituality forum as will Grampy Bobby here, once he feels the attention level this thread is bringing him has decayed.

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